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End is Nigh // Végső Idők eljövének

22 2,212 jour, 05:37 Published in Poland Poland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

For foreign readers: I’m sorry, another just-in-hungarian article about the community’s future. If you intrested, I suggest try with google-translate, not perfect, but usable.

[img][/[/img] … en savoir plus »

Murlockij és a Székelyek

40 2,168 jour, 08:33 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Murlockij és a Székelyek

(I’m so sorry for disturb for polish readers, my issue is about inner part if eHungarian community, the sekler’s part, doesn’t interfere with any nonhungarian community)

I. en savoir plus »

Október 6.

7 2,147 jour, 07:33 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

(Sorry, today is only in hungarian language, rememberance of the 1848-1849 Hungarian revolution's martyrdom

Számomra igen fontos a mai napi ünnepnap, erre Nyáry Krisztián, irodalomtörténész, népművelő [url=https://www.facebook.en savoir plus »

Need your damage, pass the BH now…OR NOT?

6 2,022 jour, 14:17 Published in Poland Poland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Need your damage, pass the BH now…OR NOT?

(magyarul lentebb ↓)


I read it an article in a (hungarian) press where is urgently suggest to give

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Some thoughts about new Quest line’s reason

14 2,018 jour, 04:36 Published in Poland Poland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Some thoughts about new Quest line’s reason – Néhány gondolat az új küldetésekről

(Magyarul alant olvasható ↓ )

Dear Reader!

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