What Comes Next, America

Day 1,197, 14:46 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

In past articles, I've discussed coming floods and brewing storms. I've discussed failed eUS policies and PANAM success. It is time to discuss where we stand and what comes next.

Many things will be happening all at once, so bear with me if this gets difficult to follow.

Where we are

Things are not great. Domestically, there is tension between inci and the rest of the country. They have been labeled a "PTO" by some in the American government. Is this fair to say? Depends on who you ask. But I will say that all should understand that no matter how much political control inci has, they are not here to destroy us. They want a strong country as much as every other American citizen does. For this reason, I hope we find ways to work peacefully together moving into the future. We share this country now, and whether citizens like it or not it is not something that will change soon. We need creative thinkers and bridge builders to help find a way to organize all citizens into as strong of an economic and military force as possible.

It grows more likely each day that Glove will be the next President of the eUS. I say this with about 30% certainty. While his VP and CoS picks are questionable at best (no offense Sleeve and JMC), Glove has a few important qualities that offer some hope for the country. First, he has perhaps been the most well received American in the inci community. He has learned about their customs and has treated them with respect. Is this a good thing? Again, depends on your point of view. But, if anyone might be able to unite inci with the rest of America, to work in harmony during this coming war, it is Glove. Second, he's a great communicator and writer, which will be essential moving into an uncertain future.

So, there is a coming war. St Krems resigned from his post as PANAM SG a little over a day ago (and may have quit eRepublik altogether, though I assume/hope he will pop in from time to time as a Whitehouse advisor). Hours after, Indonesia opened up a proposal to declare the eUS as a Natural Enemy. It was successful, and by the time you are reading this article the battle of Hawaii may already be underway.

Krems has given several reasons for his resignation, the most poignant of which appears to be his displeasure with the leaders of the eUS Military (rea😛 jankems) and frustration that their refusal to send military support to PANAM allies in certain battles had alienated the eUS from some PANAM members rather quickly. Regardless of the reasons why, Krems has plainly stated that war is coming, PANAM essentially is being held together by glue (if at all), and we are, for lack of a more elegant word, screwed.

Oh, joy.

What comes next

Before the election on the 5th, there will be a few days of battles that will determine how this all unfolds. There are rumors that the Argentinians seek to join in the attack on America. It has been suggested that Brazil would as well, but I highly doubt our Bros would turn their back on us.

If Indonesia wins their first one or two battle with ease, I'd expect to see them continue steam rolling as far as possible. What will happen concurrently (as laid out by Dishmcds on the eUS forums) is many Eden/PANAM countries will launch attacks on NWO countries to drain away damage. This will be the true test to see how badly NWO wants to destroy America. Will they give up home regions to continue a path to the heart of our country? They conceivable may, since once they get a strong foothold in the eUS, it will be very difficult to remove them, due to the "one country at a time" Resistance War rules.

What will also come, if an attack is successful, is "great migrations." There are no more game mechanic "fortresses" anymore in eRep, but it is important to keep our citizens in a state least likely to fall. What is that state? It isn't entirely clear, and that is a problem. If Russia remains a true ally of the eUS, our best bet may be the northern west coast, perhaps Alaska or Washington or Montana at the moment, though Alaska requires higher quality tickets to move in and out of. If you own a ticket company, I suggest you get it running at full capacity and begin stockpiling. We will need many Q1s.

Somewhere in this mix a new President will be elected. Be it GLaDOS, Harrison Richardson (Franco), or Glove, I'll assume that all of the best and brightest minds in the country will be brought on board the Executive team. All candidates bring a different set of skills, and all will certainly be more active and immersed in the media and daily affairs (in a productive way) much more than the last few administrations. No matter who wins, I am pleased to know that citizens are much more likely to be informed about what is going on and will be told how to best help the nation. At the very least, we'll surely be entertained (and therefore hopefully retained).

What if

So what if we beat back Indonesia and take the battle to their home regions? It is generally believed that Indo will unload its treasury to prevent a home region from being taken, so we will not likely get very far. Will this release Poland and Spain to launch joint Natural Enemy attacks on the eUS as well, as NWO regroups and attacks again? If this is the case, we will be at a significant disadvantage because we will only be able to Natural Enemy one of them, while each will theoretically be able to receive their 10% advantage against us.

What if the war is going so well against us that lukewarm allies like the UK, Russia, Turkey decide to join their old gang and try to paint the eUS like a Russain Rainbow?

There are a lot of what ifs. For now, there are only a few certain things to start doing.

What to do now

* Start stockpiling goods. If you've been considering purchasing gold, do it and buy some grain and food companies to form a self supplying food loop. Also consider getting gold to use the maximum strength booster.

Yea, I know, many of you would never buy gold. That's fine. But some people have considered it, and considering the fact that our homeland is potentially about to be torn to pieces, it's not the worst time to consider tossing $20 or so into a game that should be quite interesting (and/or depressing 😕 ) for the next month or two.

* Join the military or a militia, and only fight where they ask you to. We can partially make up for a lack of gold or damage output by fighting as smart as possible. Efficiency is the name of the game. Without it we're pissing away damage into the wind.

* If you are lower in level or strength, consider donating the gold and/or wage you earn to the national treasury, the military, militias, or to stronger friends. When the game is boiled down to the basics, the best fighting strategy is basically to give the strongest citizen all the gold we have and make them sit in one place 24/7 and click the fight button. This, of course, is absurd. But by funneling our production to the strongest fighters, we can increase our national damage output in a statistically significant way.

* Only purchase Q5 (or Q4) guns. Because you get five uses out of Q5s, they are actually the cheapest guns based on influence per hit. They may seem like a more difficult investment to make, but one Q5 weapon helps out far more in a battle than five Q1, and you will be getting more bang for your buck. Fight smart.

In conclusion

It will be a very interesting next few days.

It will likely be an interesting, exciting, and depressing month. All at the same time.

Many eUS citizens have wanted another "World War" for a long time. It appears that time is here. Lock and load your guns and fire up the tanks, boys and girls. Soon, we truly, finally, at long last, go to battle.