Why I'm Not Fighting In Iran

Day 1,160, 01:40 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

1) There is nothing there of worth

2) We've been told there is actually a future target. Unless that target is Turkey, and I've been told it's not, do we actually think we can swap through Turkey and their 17 MPPs? Even if Turkey stands their Army down, all the Europeans need to do is pull another Balochistan, cut off our border with Turkey once we get there and screw things up all over again.

3) Ok, so let's say we get through Iran, through Turkey, and move onward, what is next? Turkey borders Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Ukraine (which is currently wiped out) and some useless regions of Russia, a country we could attack much more easily from other locations, so I'll assume that isn't the target. If we attack any of them besides Russia, we'll lose a ton of MPPs leaving us exceedingly vulnerable and over-extended.

4) How many more times are we going to lose our Brozilian MPP. Was this the fourth?

5) I'm probably missing something here. Unless the goal is to squat in the Middle East until we can attack Saudi Arabia or to cross all of Asia just to attack Israel, I really don't understand this military campaign.

6) Oh yea, if we make it to Europe, they can Balochistan us again.

7) Canada looks vulnerable and ready to be penetrated. If we're going to waste MPPs, why don't we spread our seed all over North America.

I don't know why I'm worrying though. Haliman's got this.

Oh yea, when I said I was getting out of politics yesterday I meant I was getting out of politics, not stopping giving a shit. I voted no on the recent Natural Enemy declaration against Iran. It's a stupid war and has already been mismanaged. These are my true feelings on the matter, and I'm now free to say them as I no longer have ties to the White House or daily political party affairs. I'll probably be writing a lot more often.

So we're off tilting at windmills in some vanity war, too busy to help out our allies in Europe, and we have the gall to wonder why our allies didn't show up in Balochistan?

Yea, I'm not fighting in Iran.
