Here Comes the Flood

Day 1,180, 17:34 Published in USA USA by The Libertine
The jaded underworld was riding high
Waves of steel hurled metal at the sky
and as the nail sunk in the cloud, the rain
was warm and soaked the crowd.

Lord, here comes the flood
We will say goodbye to flesh and blood

I try to listen to soothing music when I write. It clears my mind; it helps me organize my thoughts. It puts me in the right mood for the topic at hand. What I’m about to discuss is a matter with potentially far reaching implications for the nation. I hope to be fair to all sides, but I cannot guarantee anything. This article is not meant to push my own viewpoint, though it certainly will creep onto the page in certain places. This is a summary of events, an exegesis of where we stand, and a look at what may happen next. I publish this as an historian. Nothing more; nothing less.

There is a flood coming. It’s been on the horizon for quite some time. A showdown between the JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff, the group of the highest military commanders) and the Executive Branch, or in a broader sense, a fight over how the military should be run. This is an issue that ebbs and flows like the tides. It comes and goes every few months. Stop gap changes are made. Tensions simmer. We wait for the next conflict to come to a head.

This is nothing new. In different times, the issues are handled in different ways. Sometimes conflicts are made public. Sometimes they remain private. But regardless of public perception, there has been and always will be tension between the aforementioned groups.

Over the last few days, there has been growing antagonism from the Executive Branch towards the Military because of two issues: PANAM and inci. The PANAM issue revolved around whether or not the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would send firepower to support PANAM allies in wars against old allies. The inci issue revolved around the fact that the military was rejecting all inci applications, a stance contradictory to the position of the Executive Branch.

Things reached a critical point today when Dimension published a mini tell-all about his twelve month experience in the eUS Military. I will not rehash the points made in the article. Most of you have read it by now, and if you haven’t you should read it now before moving on.

Coinciding with Dimension’s article was a slew of new topics created on the General Military Discussion board on the national forum by Michael Porter. The rapid fire nature of their creation irked some members of the JCS. Porter later admitted that some of the topics were created out of exasperation and annoyance with the military, however just about all of the threads raised legitimate questions.

To top it off, many citizens who would have otherwise not waded into this debate have done so because of the recently revealed fact that some citizens like Emerick, Michael Porter, and Publius are unable to join certain branches due to “security concerns.” The fact that Publius was unable to join the Mobile Infantry raised some indignation out of the normally docile ligtreb. He said on the matter: “Not letting Publius in is inexcusable. There's zero defense for that. Zero.” and later said “Any organization that discriminates against people like Michael Porter and Publius is one that has issues. Serious problems.”

The day, so far, has concluded with jankems, CJCS, replicating all of Michael Porter’s military questions onto the General Political Discussion board. Many posts were moved due to being downright derp, but some have been kept up. It appears he is trying to fight fire with fire.

Many prominent ex-Presidents have spoken out lately about the military, mostly in response to the article published by Dimension. His article appears to have burst open a damn that was once holding back a lot of private resentment by former Presidents. Now these opinions have been made public.

“If the military refuses to reform then cut all funding and reform it directly under a Defense Department. These fights every few months are ridiculous.” - Woxan, Former President

“The issue here is that the military has zero accountability, and we now know that because of it, some people in it are free to act like complete douches, refer to CoC and give each other the red tape just as much as they've been known to give the executive.

And now the question is: what are we going to do?” - Emerick, Former President

“Its not just Dim either. I've gotten a PM and have had IRC chats with others with similar horror stories about attempts to fix things going awry, or people putting personal image and rank ahead of progress.” Chocolate McSkittles, Former President

"Give me 70% of the budget and I'm sure I'd keep playing too... esp if I could yell OPSEC and never have to answer for it.

In my experience the military's hatred and contempt for politicians is just as great as anything I've seen from the political side. Is that scapegoating too?" - Colin Lantrip, Former President

There has already been significant fallout to the Dimension article. Bia Pandora, long time respected member of the eUS military and former General of the Training Corps, has quit eRepublik today because of the scuffle. In her words: “I'm not sure why people are acting like this, other than an obvious attempt at a power grab, and I am pissed as hell that he drug me into this, I don't like negativity and drama in my gaming, that is why i played in the mil.”

I think this quote uncovers an essential difference between many on the military side of things compared to those on the political side. Ironically, members of the military, whose job it is to kill things, generally abhor arguments and fighting about issues. Those on the political side tend to relish debate and politicking. This difference is certainly one root cause of much misunderstanding and mistrust between the two groups.

Is it possible that this split effects our strategic capability, militarily? What I mean to ask is “Is there a correlation between one’s tolerance of political maneuvering and one’s skill in strategic planning?” One former President once hinted at an answer this question to me:

[12:03am] redacte😛 military
[12:04am] redacte😛 some of the old (rhymes with bags)
[12:04am] redacte😛 cant please them
[12:04am] redacte😛 they sucked the enthusiasm out of me
[12:08am] redacte😛 they need to be restructured
[12:09am] redacte😛 the jcs model is bs imo
[12:09am] CRoy: JCS or all mil
[12:09am] redacte😛 they do nothing
[12:09am] redacte😛 they can have their generals
[12:09am] redacte😛 but they need to answer to a SoD
[12:09am] redacte😛 and he needs to be a legitimate strategist

So what comes next? Some reliable sources have insinuated that more resignations/quits are coming from members of the military. Depending on the mood of Congress, there may be a fight over funding. Most interestingly, with President Julian Mizu being away for an extended period of time, the Executive Branch is being headed by Mizu’s VP, a former JCS, GoalieBCSC. Will this help matters? Yes, but probably only behind the scenes.

Short of high level resignations or serious JCS restructuring, it will take an extremely gifted orator to heal the wounds exposed across this nation today. Is Goalie that person? Will Mizu be, if and when when he returns? Is there anyone gifted enough unify us all? Is there anyone bold enough to fight for complete restructuring of military command? Anyone foolish enough to try?

There are a lot of questions right now. There are a lot of unpalatable answers. The flood is coming. All that remains to be seen is who finds a way to stay dry and who is swept away in waters of change. Unfortunately, there will almost certainly be casualties before this is all said and done.

With a heavy heart,