The Calm Before the Storm

Day 1,186, 00:36 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

Don't worry Speedcat. This won't be a tl;dr article. Well, who knows, it might be by the time I'm done.

A few days ago, I wrote about a flood coming. That was in reference to a battle between the Exec/citizenry and the JCS structure. Well, that flood has not come. Perhaps because the acting President is a former JCS member. Perhaps because Congress hasn't taken any public action. Perhaps because the Executive has barely published anything in media in the last week. I don't know. I believe it is still coming from the whispers I hear here and there.

But this article is not about that.

There is another, fiercer storm on the horizon. An invasion is on the way. A full scale invasion of the eUS is rapidly approaching. World War "Something." Everyone's wet dream and biggest nightmare.

Depending on how you look on it, this has been a long time coming. One could say the wheels were put in motion the moment we left EDEN in the early months of 2010. Others might say the turning of Brazil to Brozil was the straw the broke the camels back. And others could say the failed attempted invasion of Serbia and public harassment of Spain last month sealed our fate. Others with far greater insider knowledge than myself probably know the actual moment or moments that brought us to this point. This did not happen overnight.

What is clear is that it is coming.

A little over 24 hours ago, Poland, renter of four eAmerican regions, proposed Mexico as a Natural Enemy. The bill has passed. This comes a day or two after Poland "accidentally" proposed the eUS as a Natural Enemy.

The Polish President is Cerber. He's been described to me as a mix of scrabman and Emerick. Comparisons aside, this isn't his first stint at CP. He knows exactly what he is doing. The NE proposal was a taunt. So is his current residence (as of the writing of this article) in Hawaii. What I suspect they will do is conquer all of Mexico, or at least the Mexican held regions of our southern neighbor. Due to the new resistance war rules (that allow only one res war against an occupying country at a time) this would establish a near permanent war base at our lower border. This is the piece of the puzzle that allows all of the others to fall into place.

Serbia is moving through Europe up towards England. Within a little over 48 hours they will be in position to propose a Natural Enemy with the eUS. It will likely take longer, but they are on their way. Apparently they have some sort of amusing desire to conquer Texas.

In the past months it has been rumored that Indonesia could possibly be a new ally of the eUS. Now, Ostin is back, and I suspect they are getting bored of land swapping with their helpless oceanic colonies. Indonesia now borders Hawaii due to the border changes that were made a little while ago. When the coordinated invasion begins, they will in all likelihood hit us there.

Russia is a wild card. We have also courted them over the last month as an ally, possibly as part of Haliman's "let's offer to ally with everyone and pretend they'd all be able to get along with each other too" international relations strategy. They are no longer a strong military threat, but I suspect that if a real invasion of the eUS is in the works they will not hesitate to join in, even if only as a damage drain. They border Alaska. I'm sure they're getting wet at the possibility of attacking Washington state for the thousandth time as well.

Then there is Spain. Our old allies. Our new found foe. They share a few borders with us. It is unclear if they would rather attack us by proxy or by direct attack. The same is likely said about Portugal, though any attack by them would only be as a damage drain. Theoretically, both Colombia and Venezuela could attack us from the south as well. England will still border us after they let Serbia through, and they could be itching to get inside our bosom once more. All told, in the most extreme case, we could be attacked by nine countries all at once. In all likelihood, I'd expect it to be closer to four or five.

Our Polish MPP expires in eleven days. Mark your calendars.

It's poetic really. The President who entered the White House on the Great Wave may end up leaving it swept away by tsunami, though through no fault of his own. One day, long ago, a butterfly flapped its wings and a little gust of wind grew into something far greater than anyone could have imagined.

For now, we wait; this is the calm before the storm.