The House Report

Day 870, 16:07 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
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Canada's Housing Situation


Since loud Congressmen in Congress own Wood and House Companies, you still have to pay 30%-40% higher than market value for your new House.

Recently, a Bill was brought before the house to reduce the Import Taxes on Houses from 99% to 5%. It stands to fail at this time. Given the new Hospital Rules, Citizens will need Houses like never before. Also, the Admins no longer enforce contracts - effectively killing the Black Market - where Houses have traditionally been sold. It was my intention to propose a reduction in Housing Income tax and add a VAT to conclude the Housing Tax reform - should this bill pass.

Congress views the House proposal...

Reasons why this Bill was propose😛

Take a look at the markets here: CAD House market

The cheapest Q5 House globally is 36 gold.

In Canada? 58 Gold. Some companies - like This One sell houses on our market - despite the 99% Import Tax!

Q4 Houses?

Global Prices: 26 gold.
In Canada: 35 gold.

How about Q3?

Global Price: 16 gold.
Canada: None Available

What about Q2?

Global Price: 8-9 gold
Canada: 12 gold

Q1 houses...

Global Price: 3.5 gold
Canada: 5 gold.

What your Congress does to you every time you go to the markets

Some Congressmen believe that every Canadian should have a company of their own.
After all - why have 99% Import taxes across the board if that was not the case?
What we end up with is market saturation because nobody exports lower end Q goods.

Congressmen with Wood and House companies cry
out for protection of their extortionist prices

The CAD market is expected to absorb ALL goods produced by the excessive amount of companies under this Tax posture. We get ridiculous wage fluctuations and RAW producers price their manufacturing customers out of the domestic market. Anyone own a Gift company?
Did YOU buy any Diamonds over the past few weeks?

I have prepared a House Report on this issue:

Click to enlarge

Who are the Congressmen most vitriolic in their defense of the Import Tax staying at 99%?

Gaius Julius Caesar00 - owns Wood and House companies
Samuel de Champlain - owns Wood and House companies
Citizen B - one of the last adherents of Pre-Lana, Per-Hospital Rule change 'voo-doo' economics. (Okay, not the last...but the loudest) he has resorted to calling me a "whore" and "traitor" in Congress. I hope everything is okay at home for him because this is highly out of character.
Tim Young - Canada's Self Appointed Economic God

Tim Young says: "We do not need foreign goods. All goods can be made in Canada. If there is a shortage of goods, the solution is to fixed our domestic economy rather than rely on imports."

The protectionist at work in his office...

Yes, you should pay whatever price the CAD GM dictates.
You OWE him your money after all, Tim Young says so.
This guy is gonna make me stop liking Bruce Lee.

SpockPQ says: "Solution: an organization and two moving tickets!"

Cuz after all - every n00b starts out with an org and two moving tickets, right?
Their first house - a Q1 will cost them more than their Level 6 Gold in the CAD market.
SpockPQ says they should spend that gold on an Org and then save up for a house...while paying for higher Q Food to maintain your Wellness.

The "Babyboom Committe" is laughing themselves to tears with that one.
Note: GaiusJuliusCaesar00 is ON the "Babyboom Committe".

I find your lack of appetite for the blood of Canadians
disturbing, Mr. Durden. We will vote down your proposal,
ensuring that Canadians continue to buy from our personal
companies at 35% above global market value!

Citizen B says: "Keep Canada's money IN CANADA!"
Of course, he means: "Make sure Canadians pay the highest price possible in eRepublik" because that is the end result.

Samuel de Champlain says: "Nobody will have interest to see cheap house dumped in our market." and then refers us to an article he wrote a year ago in defense of the Import Tax policy remaining where it is. Mhmm, because the eRep economy hasn't changed at all since then...Also, Congressman Samuel de Champlain - the highest vote getter in the last Congress elections truly thinks that "Nobody will have interest to see cheap house dumped in our market" - not even consumers Mr. de Champlain?
Samuel de Champlain also finishes with a flourish: "You should be happy TFD, you will be subsidized..."

What you are looking at der Mr. TFD? I will PM all my party
members and tell them to vote for no in your attempt to make
Houses affordable for Canadians. Affordable housing! Mon dieu!

Rolo Tahmasee says: "High cost of Houses in Canadian Market = I take my org and go buy it from a country with low wages and cheaper product. Canadian Government profit from my sale = 0. I love high Canadian wages, I can take my money and buy twice as much elsewhere
ps: (5% of something is better that 99% of nothing)"

Addy Lawrence says: "I have a Q3 house which I bought on the black market through a member of the CAF. I am interested in an upgrade and will do so, however, I'd feel MUCH more comfortable buying one from the marketplace as opposed to the black market."

Addy Lawrence also compiled this data:

GaiusJuliusCaesar00 says: "I suppose my company produces paper airplanes? The chart Addy posted is completely inaccurate, given my knowledge of the housing industry..."

Don't want to lose the golden egg of being the only cat in town, do we?

Uh huh.

Whatchu talkin' about Tim Young?">Titanium Rental Debate

*UPDATE* Jacobi has written a related article. Check it out for another perspective.">