Tyler F Durden For CP

Day 863, 02:11 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

I reserve the right to use this as an April Fools gag
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Editor's Note: Tyler F Durden's Country President Campaign Content can be found on any Soap Box Article by simply clicking on this User Bar:

In the beginning, we were all but a glint in Dio's eye

Soon the New World cooled, and life was breathed unto the lands

The apes stood, became man. The greatest calamity that could befall early man was the loss of fire. Fire - the mysterious phenomenon that cooked his food, heated his cave and kept him alive. If he could not start a fire, he and his would surely die.

Nations rose and fell. Alliances swallowed up entire continents. Wars raged on as new life was born into this tempest every day. Thrown into the fire at birth, some are hardened by the lick of the flame while others fade away into the abyss of time.

Now, we've been through a lot you and I, a couple of World Wars - one which saw Canada wiped from the map. We came back. Alongside our Bro - the USA, we have achieved total resurrection and more! We purged the enemy from our lands and sought vengeance. We Tea Bagged the United Faildom. We stepped back for a while, rebuilding and posturing. We have always been an honourable ally. We've got that fighting spirit that requires any belligerent to be constantly aware. Our enemy has not changed - and V2 taunts them.

We were blessed with that glint from Dio. Northwest territories and Nunavut were to be the new resource - the game changer! Only four countries will have Titanium, Canada, South Africa, Australia and Phoenix stalwart Russia. South Africa, for all intents and purposes will be an unstable supply of Titanium - always in flux, one coup leads to open gates for barbarians...

Australia will definitely be tested for their Titanium. Look for Brazil, with the help of Phoenix to make a move down under. We MUST stand by our Bro's. We must be prepared for them.

In Canada, we have known utter defeat and the joy of victory. If we are to stand tall - for a long time, then we are going to have to make some pretty important decisions, and soon. Are we going to be able to defend two High Titanium regions in this world? To some this question is irrelevant...

You do know that 2 regions doesn't mean twice as much right?
Anyone that puts the effort into coming here for them won't so lackadaisically.

When we cry to our allies that we need their protection to save "Teh Preciousss", why won't they just wait for us to lose it so that they can take it for themselves? Finders keepers, right?
Why would they help us when we could have helped them?

We're gonna get caught biting off more than we can chew, and we WILL need the help of our allies, maybe even our Bro's. I do not envy the Canadian CP that has to go hat in hand to those who we could have helped by our generosity...

Now, I want you to set aside your prejudices. Think. What would be the best way to secure our future security and nurture our allies? I've had some unexpected free time fall into my lap and I put some pieces together. The following comic is ONE option of making good with our Bro's. Tomorrow I will release a followup scenario, the one I prefer actually.
The rest will come in a successive series of articles leading up to April 5th, 2010.

I intend on being on that ballot.

Click on image below to enlarge

Dig out your swim trunks and wax your surfboard,
we're goin' on a road trip!

Oh, and hey Augustus Baldwin, I made you a new button.

Push it!

< Click it for wonderful glories!

Push Teh Button!!!!1!

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/tfd-part-deux-teh-secomony1-1282021/1/20">Part Deux
