Sons of Liberty Immediate Goals- Practical Services to the American People

Day 643, 21:45 Published in USA USA by The Liberty Tree
Introduction: Immediate Goals of the SoL
Many citizens of the eUSA have wondered about the goals of the Sons of Liberty, and with good reason! We’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes planning that is not exactly known to the public. So while it is clear that our ultimate goals are the restoration of the eUSA and vengeance against PEACE, what are our immediate goals?

Believe it or not, we are actually DOING SOMETHING! Currently, it is very important that eAmericans take steps to aid our devastated economy. Many of us have noticed the LOW wages in our country. The Sons of Liberty are in the process of launching several companies designed for eAmerican expatriates, particularly in Greece.
If you want to make more money to buy better weapons to fight for your country, now is the time to move!

With better wages, and thus a better American fighting force in mind, the Sons of Liberty are offering a limited supply of free moving tickets. TAKE NOTE: eAMERICANS LIVING IN ALLIED COUNTRIES CAN PARTICIPATE STILL IN THE BATTLES FOR OUR HOMELAND.

To take advantage of these moving tickets, or if you’re interested in an overseas job, PM the Liberty Tree.

Another service we are launching is this article. This is the first in a very regular series of news updates that will link you, the eUSA, to important events, people, orders, articles, and news all over the New World. Please consider subscribing and help us get the word out about this news service.

Domestic News
Russia has conquered Maine, due to a strategic retreat by American forces. American forces withdrew because if under Russian attack the US would be unable to launch any further attacks after the end of the battle to retake Alabama, which, by the way, was successful.

This retreated enabled the eUSA to attack Indonesian-held Louisiana.
The DoD orders all citizens to fight in Louisiana. It’s Mardi Gras time!

On a more serious note, this attack on Indonesia would ostensibly seem to end the treaty negotiations that were ongoing with Indonesia. However, it could also be designed to pressure Indonesia into agreeing to peace.

Also, remember to vote today, the 25th, in the congressional elections! Your political participation is important for the election of good, competent leaders to our Congress. If you are abroad, please see below for a link to anti-PTO attempts.

International News
On the international front, Spain has reclaimed Aragon from France and Canada took back British Columbia from France. For now at least, things are looking good for the eUS and our allies.

American Media Links

Secretary of State LexLuthor1 has called on eAmericans to help South Africa against a PTO attempt on the 25th! This is very important for us to help a valued ally!

Also, check out this interview with President Emerick…find out just what goes on in this guy’s mind. If even for that alone, it’s worth a read!

And from the same newspaper, there's also an interview with General Eugene Harlot, one of our leading military say the least.

Remember to subscribe to the newspapers of our government.
President Emerick
The Department of Defense Citizen Orders
The White House Press Room
Vice President PigInZen
Senior Advisor Publius
Senior Advisor Desert Falcon
Chief of Staff Gaius Julius
Deputy Chief of Staff Daphne Lilac
Secretary of State LexLuthor1
Secretary of Defense Josh Frost
Deputy Secretary of Defense Chris Willson
Citizen Task Force Director Woxan
Secretary of Intelligence Canni
Secretary of Citizens Affairs Jasper Ferguson
Secretary of the Interior SirEkim
Secretary of Education Bill Brasky
Press Secretary mjdiv

Unofficial papers:
Mink Deadly- The Pen and Paper Brigade

MaineGreen- Erep in Maps

This news update is a service of the Sons of Liberty.