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If I was CP for a week

1 Day 2,001, 13:48 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The USWP contest got me thinking about the question seriously.

If I was CP for a week, my priorities would be rather strange. I would most likely pull the eUSA out of diplomacy, and while listening to Ron Perlman narrating the following in the

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Zen and the art of slowing down and kicking rear.

3 Day 2,001, 12:59 Published in USA USA First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Hello all,

This article is dedicated to new players and lets me regret there is not a way to lose experience and lose levels. 😉 I am sure most new players have gotten this information repeatedly, but it never hurts hearing it yet again. This

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Questions for eSerbia

3 Day 1,771, 18:18 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Дакле, желим да уче о овој дивној земљи да ја посети. Може ли ми неко рећи о разликама у политичким странкама? Ствари које чине еСербианс поносни на свој народ? Оно што Србија посебан и јединствен у овој игри, осим онда величина њеног становништва? Р

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6 Day 1,770, 15:43 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Здраво, моје нове комшије.

Хвала ти за мене пустити придружи вашу земљу, надам се да продуктиван и активан грађанин неколико месеци. Ја аппологизе ако превод софтвера чини ово не може да се разуме. Ја обиласка земље еРепублика и покушавају да доби

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World vacation tour!

7 Day 1,766, 14:51 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Thinking of stepping away from eUSA for a month or two, and watching the world of politics from a different nation as a citizen, to give myself a new eLife since coming back. Any recommendations for a country I can A. get a citizenship in, and B.

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