Teacup Interview: Emerick, President of eUSA

Day 642, 06:10 Published in USA USA by Yang Wenli
On August 5, 2009, Emerick obtained 1,831 out of 4,508 expressed votes and became the President of eUSA. eRepublik Team's official newspaper "eRepublik Insider" published an article the next day, titled "Presidential elections coverage - August 2009" and sai😛

"Many eyes will be on Emerick, the new President of USA; given the hard times his nation has right now, in the middle of several countries trying to conquer their homelands. Emerick is an old citizen, born on day 83 of the New World, an active and passionate player of eRepublik having a tremendous experience. After one and a half years of personal growth he decided to take the big step, and serve his country from the highest position available. And in current situation of USA, not just the highest position, but one full of huge responsibilities, which can decide the future of the entire American nation."

About a week later, shit happened that Spain lost 16,000 Gold and PEACE obtained them. Devan Kronos, Press Director of Hephaestus' Anvil, published an interview with President Emerick on August 12, in which our President sai😛 "Considering that we're up against the largest alliance in eRepublik, who just acquired all of Spain's gold, I think that it's safe to be pessimistic." In addition to that, Emerick mentioned briefly but clearly that a treaty with PEACE was under discussion.

Seeing what happened last week, with that treaty thrown out of the window and our country went down to just 2 states, I requested an interview with our President and got a prompt "yes" reply. The interview was conducted over MSN, at the end of eRep Day 641 (August 22, 2009), in a semi-casual chatting fashion, by Yang Wenli, Press Director of Teacup Journal:

Yang Wenli:
Hello Mr. President. Thanks for accepting my interview.

Sup fgt
Nice, Fixidays

Yang Wenli:

Yang Wenli:
Okay, so to begin, what is the time there now? 2:38 in the morning?

Emerick sends an animation: "Water Balloon"


Yang Wenli:
Uh huh. So you stay up late.

Yang Wenli:
Now, it has been about 3 weeks since you took the presidency, and if you had a plan at your inauguration, say that's a scale of 10, what score will you give now?

Eh? Are you asking me to grade my performance?

Yang Wenli:
Yeah. Very much it.

Well, my biggest thing was organizing America through the mentor program. That was slow to get off the ground, and the population as of the day I was elected is just now getting finished getting messaged, so I'm pretty disappointed in that, so I'll give it a 5.

Yang Wenli:
I see. Talking about our population, I noticed that by the fall of New Jersey, we lost about 4K citizens. That brings me to think about the game mechanics, citizenship has nothing to do with population right? It is where people stay that affects the population.


Yang Wenli:
Let's think about baby boom a bit. Although proactive approaches to attract new players into this game is a great idea, due to our current situation, 2 states left, and scarce job opportunities, would a baby boom increase our trouble instead of solving it?

It depends on how organized it is. If we have an organized group of a good amount of people, it'd be fantastic if they started in Russia or something, screwed with their economy, had their citizenship, etc. Normal babies though, are going to be hard to coordinate with.

Yang Wenli:
Just to confirm since that's a very strategic point of view about giving birth to babies in Russia or something. Is that okay to be said in public?

Yeah, I've already threatened the president of Russia with that.

Yang Wenli:
We've seen a dramatic baby boom in France, as far as you know, how did that happen? Is your team aware of the aftermath of French baby boom? How do you rate their aftermath?

Their babies are dying off pretty quickly, but they still got a good number. Plus their walls are higher, at least until the admins wipe away dead people again.

Yang Wenli:
And to follow up the issue about Russia, the NAP was announced from our side about a week ago, and Russian said no. Looking back to what has happened, do you think that we've been set up, in terms of giving us an illusion of peace treaty while alienate us from our allies, distract our citizens from following orders, or even worse, get you in trouble of being impeached?

No, I don't think that we were set up, but I do think that Peace's greed got the better of them.

Yang Wenli:
I see. Now about the current situation, I'd like to have your comment on General Harlot's idea that we should evacuate people from FL to ally country, weaken FL, make it cheaper to attack, and get ourselves wiped out and RW.

It's a good idea.

Yang Wenli:
Do you think it is feasible to catch up in time and to coordinate with our current effort? Feasibility is my primary concern about this idea, and…

Time is my main concern.

We'll lose a lot of citizens to boredom and the fact that they're popping up in Russia and Portugal.

Yang Wenli:
When our country got wiped out, what about the potential PTO problem and how do you think we should still keep our citizens organized and informed? p.s. When you are not in a USA region but still having your USA citizenship, you don't read USA newspapers on homepage, right?

Yeah, you're right.

Well, if they conquer us before the congressional election, and we don't get free until afterward, then we have a problem. We'd have to use an old citizen list to PM every person we can to get them in the loop.

Yang Wenli:
Oh? We have an "old citizen" list? Are we making a new one now? Which organization is in charge of that and would you like to spread a word on that to prepare just in case?

Well, the citizen list is just a scrape of who's in the US. We do that every now and then.

(Interview paused for a while)

Yang Wenli:
Please let me know if I took too much for your time. Did eRepublik especially your month of being our president change your attitude, perspective or belief in real life? If so, how?

No, not at all

Yang Wenli:
Any advice on this: if you are going to make a promotion about this game, what approach will you take to attract the majority of online gamers?

Well, let's think about what kind of people are most interested and make the best contributions to the game.

eRepublik has been known to advertise on political sites, which, IMO is a pretty big reason why we're in such a shit situation right now.

Yang Wenli:
Political sites? Seriously? You mean irl political discussion forums?

From what I hear, it was in the NY Times, too.

Yang Wenli:
So you are saying that the target audience of these media does not contribute to the good of our eUSA?

Not to stroke myself to much, but I think I'm the shit, and I like other people like me. I was invited from a gaming site. I know how to work in a gaming group, and how the gamers' mindset is, which is the majority of the big players in the Game.

Correct. The issue is finding a good site.

Yang Wenli:
I see your point. And final question: what are your suggestions to a newbie with a serious interest in this game like me, in terms of 2 things:

1. How to contribute to the country most by working on newspapers, and,

2. How to contribute to the country most by choosing to participate or not to participate in a political party?

Political parties be damned. The most productive people I've seen in this game hardly identify with their party. I like it when I know someone from the forum, and I have no idea what party they're from.

Yang Wenli:
I agree. What about newspaper? Any advice on anti-trolling from our enemies, useful tips and media promotion?

Be smart, be creative, and always make sure that you have your facts right. Oh, and have fun~!

Yang Wenli:
Thanks so much for your time and patience Mr. President. Good luck to you too. Have fun~! Anything else you'd like to add to this interview from your side?

I'm tored.

Yang Wenli:
Good night then.

Nn fgt.


Editor's note:
Minor edits in terms of punctuations and spellings were done to the original transcript.


Coming up next:
An interview with Eugene Harlot, General of eUSMC, Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Former General of Stuff.


Previous Articles:
> Teacup Special: Teacup Special: eUSA, Phoenix? Chicken? Or Headless Chicken?
> Teacup Journal is Coming - One for All, All for One!
