Edition 8: President Emerick

Day 630, 16:38 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

Hello all, and welcome to another edition of the Anvil. I apologize for my lack of papers for the last few weeks but life caught up with me as it does with all of us.

This election cycle has come and gone. With the USWP declining to run a full spread of candidates the Congress is now a mix of parties and ideals, a breeding ground for discontent. But there is little. This is a time of war and a time of national unity. I gratefully listen to all the discontent because it is the birth right of all Americans to speak out and their objection. It’s what makes America great. I personally congratulate Emerick on his Presidential Election, like his predecessor HR, he inherits a difficult situation. PEACE marching on us and our allies and things look bleak

Every now and then I hear PEACE screaming that they will be victorious and destroy America. What you gentleman and ladies need to understand is you may take our land but America is indestructible. America is an Ideal of freedom and all Americans will not give up until all territories we previously held are back in American hands. Russia claims to have a stake on Alaska. They say their nation sold it in a time of weakness. Well they did, if you want it you should have offered to pay us for it, we might have actually considered it Ha Ha Ha, we are evil capitalists after all.

And now for a very special guest, this is a tradition I am trying to start, to interview all the Presidents from HR on. So here is the newest an interview with President Emerick! Mr. President, thanks for taking the time.

1. Mr. President, how has the job been going thus far?
It's been pretty hectic. Like I said in my inaugural address, I didn't expect to win, so I've been scrambling a bit. That said, I think I have an awesome team working with me, and we're almost to the point where I don't have to micromanage, so that's nice.

2. What do you think are your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses?
My greatest strength is my connections around the world. During my time here, I've been a bit of a rouge, making friends on both sides of the battlefield, so I not only know both sides on friendly terms, but can understand their methods. My weakness also stems from my roguish ways. Since I'm not used to working in a large group, this cabinet thing is kind of hard for me. I'm a do-it yourself kind of person. Thankfully, I have some great people on my side who are helping me out.

3. Who is your favorite RL President?
Washington. The f*cker long-jumped the Mississippi

4. Do you believe we can still win this war?
Considering that we're up against the largest alliance in eRepublik, who just acquired all of Spain's gold, I think that it's safe to be pessimistic

5. I personally refuse any treaty with the secession of any states, but what is being discussed with PEACE?
A treaty

6. Why did you want to be president?
Because I think that the past administration wasn't taking a pragmatic enough approach to the war, and wasn't communication with the public properly. On top of that, there were a few programs that I wanted to control, like the expanded mentor program

7. How and why did you come to choose PigInZen as your Vice President?
How- I asked him and he agreed
Why- because he's an organizational freak, while I have a scattered brain. I needed someone to put my ideas into nice little categories

8. Do you have anything to say to your predecessor?
Harrison is a good guy, and I think he did well. I want to tell him that his legacy won't be the president that lost half of America, but the president who stood stiocly against oppression

9. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Easy, Bill Shatner, that man is awesome.

10. What is the funniest think that has happened to you during your time in eRepublik?
Captain Sam

We all thank President Emerick for his time and wish him the best of luck. As I always do I will now leave you with a quote. For a new President I leave a quote from a new President.

"On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose
over conflict and discord." – President Barack Obama, Inaugural Address

Your Friend, Devan Kronos

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