Save Emerick!

Day 880, 13:46 Published in USA Canada by Tyler F Durden

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Emerick Perma Banned for reaching 5 FPs!

Save Emerick!

Now is the time to inundate the Admins with Save Emerick messages and articles!
If Battalgazi can beat the rap - so can Emerick!

The American Progressive Front owes it's existence to him!

He has always been a bud to me and this is my Save Emerick campaign.
I know he'd do the same for me - he was a BRO!!!

Danke Schoen mon ami! You made eRep fun!


Brote it up!

Emerick's Final Article

US President Woxan Addresses the Nation in wake of Emerick banning.

Max MacFarland 2 Addresses Serbian Press at Emerick's request">