Day 727, 15:59 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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***eRussian President: eRussia Leaves PEACE

***eHungary Quits PEACE

You came, you conquered. You lost, you failed.

It was inevitable really when you think about it. PEACE: GC was a defensive Alliance which required members states to surrender their High Resource regions to the top tier nations (eIndonesia, eHungary, eIran).

Seeing as PEACE: GC was a "defensive" alliance, their fate was sealed when they defeated the ATLANTIS Alliance - which later became EDEN / Brolliance.

In the absence of a large enough enemy to justify their existence, the PEACE powers that be decided that the ONLY way to sustain the need for smaller, less militarily capable nations is to create new threats for them.

All of a sudden RL analogies abound...

Commandments came and went. So did the ability of PEACE: GC
to maintain moral high ground. As soon as they lost that - their days were numbered.

On Day 601 - the eFrench spearhead into North America began. PEACE tanks piled into eFrance to create a juggernaut of a military machine. We all know that eFrance on it's own could never had enjoyed their first military success since Napoleon in Prussia without PEACE: GC. They ignored peace offer after peace offer, only to use open MPPs to strike at us like the Japanese at Pearl Harbor.

Onward they pushed. Wiping eCanada and eSpain from the face of the earth and pushing the eUSA into Florida.

But we pushed back.

You can only push someone so far into a corner before they come back at you like a coiled spring, and that is exactly what happened. PEACE lost the initiative as EDEN came into being. The Brolliance was another nail in the coffin of the Sick Man of eRepublik.

Suddenly the New World saw PEACE: GC for what it had become -
the enemy it had sworn to defeat. The word was out. Nation by nation
countries lined up to take part in taking a bite out of the bloated
discontented empire.

PEACE engaged on a campaign of "Bull In A China Shop"

Legends were made in PEACE:GC. Both Euphonix and Battalgazi reached One Million
Damage while being involved in PEACE wars. You know what they say tho...
You live by the sword - you die by the sword.

So the next question is: Who the hell leads PEACE: GC now?
Clearly, the combination of 100 Gold MPPs and the dismantling of their empire of occupation by way of hitting PEACE where it hurt - their ONLY weakness: Resistance Wars. What they thought was their strength was turned into their weakness (a few months behind schedule in the opinion of this writer, but you wouldn't know that if you are not a subscriber😉.

With the heavy weights of PEACE now out of the alliance, all eyes turn to eRussia.
With the addition of the resources and revenue of Western Siberia region back in Ivan's hands eRussia stands to benefit the most of the departure of eIndonesia and eHungary. They can pick up the sword and run with it (like a kid with scissors on the pool deck), and watch their nation get dismantled as incrementally as did the alliance itself.

It is the opinion of this writer that we may very well see a return to the Super State effect in eRepublik. What does that mean? A map of 5-10 colours on it - thats it. National mergers will be the
soup du jour, like the United Netherlands...which today is not so united, what with eBelgium existing. I could be wrong, meh. Interesting times nonetheless.

PEACE:GC today - Day 727 of the New World.

Oh, and eFrance must be dancing in the streets at the peace deals it struck with eUSA and eCanada.

In conclusion...



***UPDATE - eSpain's Official Response to eCanada & eUSA signing peace deals with eFrance (and it's not good)***