Peace With eFrance

Day 726, 11:02 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden">

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***UPDATE - eSpain's Official Response to eCanada & eUSA making peace with eFrance (and it's not good).***

There is a vote in Congress to forge a peace with PEACE member state eFrance.

As many of you know, it was eFrance that held the "honour" of leading the spearhead into eCanada at the beginning of this Great Patriotic War (WWIII). It began on the day I was eBorn - Day 601.
Most of us know the history, and remember that fateful Battle of Nova Scotia where we threw everything including the kitchen sink at the eFrench onslaught - and they only smiled and rolled right over us.

The Maritimes. Quebec. The North. The West, and finally Ontario.

Those were dark days indeed. It brought us closer as a nation.

After the Fall of Ontario, eCanadians spread out into the New World in their own Diaspora.
Some went to the eUSA to continue the good fight there. Other went to eGreece, and set up shop to fight on from Allied soil. Others still went to eSpain - myself included to continue fighting the eFrench as they razed eSpain to the ground with as much aplomb as they did eCanada.

I watched two nations fall piece by piece.

Fast forward.

eCanada: liberated.
eSpain: liberated.
eUSA: liberated.

Peace with eUK via the NAP signed by then Prime Minister Jacobi with eUK Prime Minister GLaDOS followed...
It was the eUK that stabbed us in the back by allocating Scotland to the eHun to facilitate their attack and subsequent occupation of our homeland - of which countless gold was spent to liberate.

I don't really have to add anything to this caption.

Now it appears that eFrance will get off scot free as well.

Some will say,

"Yeah, but it was us who constantly provoked eFrance...many months ago"

Agreed. However we didn't raze their country to the ground, destroying ALL infrastructure.
How many eCanadian babies were left behind during the war - especially after the Citizenship Mod was introduced? I can only estimate. A month ago I was scrolling thru the citizenship applications of some who were left behind...and they died waiting for their citizenship. I granted citizenship posthumously to two of the ones whom I repatriated to Ontario for our last stand.

They died waiting to get their Citizenship. (which is another example of how we were failing our people).

I can only imagine how many others there were...

Now it appears that we will indeed have peace with eFrance, permitting their tanks to move to eSerbia or eHungary to continue fighting us (as the Brits did after the eCan/eUK NAP) and our Allies for the sovereignty of friendly nations.

Is a condition of this peace that eFrance withdraw from the Alliance known as PEACE: GC?

Not to this writer's knowledge. In fact it just allows eFrench tanks to move to aid their PEACE brothers in arms against us as they no longer have to defend their own front.

Some will remember that after we signed the NAP with eUK, that eFrance attacked our Bro - the eUSA with the help of eUK tanks. The eUSA remembers and they were not particularly enthusiastic about that...

This peace is akin to (for sake of analogy, we all know this did NOT occur) Churchill signing a NAP with Hitler so Germany can invade Russia with full force as they no longer have to defend their own borders from attack.

Our peace is Slovakia's continued occupation.
Our peace is PEACE GC's further consolidation of arms against us in Allied battles.

Yesterday, the Congress of eFrance accepted eFrench President Lyne Faynel's proposed peace with the eUSA.

Today, Lyne Faynel faces impeachment. It appears at this time that the impeachment will fail, as it stands at 11-22 against at time of publication.

This is perhaps in indication that a substantial degree of eFrench influentials are not entirely in favour of peace with North America.

I expect the impeachment vote to be a reversal of the peace with eUSA vote (which was 24-14 in favour).

So, my fellow eCanadians - what say you?
