Presidential Election Oct. 2009 - Coverage of All Candidates

Day 684, 11:08 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

Only in America can you find patriotic, edible sand castles. At least, I think it's edible!

I always write a long version and a short version for the Presidential voting season. This one's the short version, with only the links I've found that I hope will aid you in making your decision this October 5th.

This is the first true "two-pony race" I've seen, with both contenders finding very strong support among the much-coveted "Top 5" parties. Notably, at this time, the third largest party in the nation, the Libertarian Party, has still not chosen which candidate they wish to back. Woxan, the challenger (and previously not favored in any public poll against the incumbent Gaius Julius), has gained the backing of the two largest parties in eUSA, while Gaius has snagged the support of the two smallest Top 5 parties. The Libertarians, or "Libs" as they are called, will be the tie breaker.

*UPDATE at 15:30 on Day 684: The Libertarians have decided to back the incumbent, Gaius Julius!*

If someone finds something else informative that I haven't included here, please post it in the comments, thanks!


Woxan's Platform
Woxan on Education
Both Gaius and Woxan Speak!
Interviews with Woxan: 1st, 2nd
An Interview with Vice Presidential Candidate Cerb: Part 1, Part 2
Another Cerb Interview

Endorsements: America's Advancement Party, United States Workers Party, Democratic Party, Church of Cerb, and The American Society Party.

Gaius Julius/Jewitt

Gaius Julius' Platform
Gaius on Education
Both Gaius and Woxan Speak!
An Interview with Vice President Jewitt

Endorsements: Libertarian Party, Conservative Party, United Independents Party, Federalist Party, The Green Party, Socialist Freedom Party, Conservative Liberty Party, Enclave Party, Republican Party, Beta Memorial, and P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Party

Other Candidates that mysteriously appeared on the official ballot on Election Day:
Don Keedick - Umbrella Research Party
Rusty_Shackleford - Pastafarianism
Enderlm - The Jewish Community Party

General Voting Information - How to Vote

1. You must be at least "this tall" to vote: Level 6.
2. Go to Community -> Elections. This page only works on Election Day, but is used for all elections, whether they be Country President, Party President, or Senator.
3-A. You must have citizenship in the appropriate country and region: If you're staying home, no problem. If you've done some flying around before or on Election Day, it gets a little more complicated.
3-B. More complicated how, you ask? According to the Citizenship Wiki page, it's like this:

Q. How does this affect voting? Will I be able to vote for congress while living in another country?
A. Yes, you will be able to vote in the country you hold citizenship. For congressional elections, you will vote in the last region where you lived.

Vote on Oct. 5th for your choice, America,
~ Katherine "Astra" Gallagher