Gettin' srs about the Pig.

Day 800, 13:38 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

So, obviously I have been making campaign pictures for PigInZen. When he announced he was going to run for President, he asked if I would help out. He's my bro, so I agreed. I had no idea who else was going to run for President. I suspected it might be Josh Frost, but I wasn't sure.

It is Frost.

I know I'm not the only person that feels conflicted on this one. While it's awesome to have 2 really good candidates, split votes make me nervous. It's also sad to see how quickly people will cut down a GREAT player in this game just because they prefer the other guy. With both candidates committed to clean campaigns, I hope their supporters can match their tone.

I'm voting for everyone's articles. If you honestly think both candidates are good Americans and strong leaders, you should be doing the same thing.

Anyway, although I did start making these pictures for PigInZen as a friendly favor, I find it rather easy to believe in him as a leader. My first real interaction with PiZ was as Party President. Right before WWIII broke out, Pig helped assemble a small group of influential people from various political backgrounds to work together and solve the problem of partisanship during elections. I don't recall what his actual position was at the time, and honestly I don't remember what party he used to belong to, either. USWP maybe? Those details weren't really relevant in this group, as we maintained focus on actual solutions, applicable to all. The ideas that came from this group have developed into substantial change throughout the war- Party training divisions and militias, campaign blockers and cross-party election organization, party mentorship programs and jobs programs and so much more. As the war slowed down and party power changed hands, our commitment to Country First has waned. Parties are looking inward, as they should, developing their member programs to increase activity and retention. But it is critical they also look to each other for support on common goals and shared interests.

PigInZen has made great strides before when it comes to getting politicians and citizens alike to understand complicated situations and rally behind a greater good. Many times, actually. I know he'll keep doing it. I believe that's what we need right now as so many complain of boredom and declining retention rates. PigInZEN is a kind and peaceful man, now beating the drums for war and revenge. While this may appear to be a conflict of ideals or simply a campaign tactic, I know with great certainty what his priorities are. PigInZen is committed to the health, strength and safety of all citizens, especially the newbs.

Without a clear objective and the opportunity to gain experience, new citizens will lose interest.
Without ambitious national goals, our politicians will have nothing to do or talk about and they will lose motivation to interact with the public. Activity and retention will continue to decline and the US will lose the power we have fought so hard to regain.
If we do not assert that strength and power as a nation, we will lose influence among our allies and allow Phoenix to rise.

I believe PigInZen has the right perspective and experience to get all of our moving parts working harmoniously, like a boss.

I supported Josh Frost for President before and I thought he did a great job. I genuinely like him and respect him very much. Through all of my interactions with him, I have found him to be an honorable man. Months ago, The Federalists established a party training division and we took the idea and materials to all of the other parties. They were hesitant to get on board as members of our military made it extremely clear they felt threatened by the idea. Josh Frost stuck his neck out and pushed the idea forward and now member training is becoming standard in all parties. Then he created Seal Team 6. ST6 is by far the most successful paramilitary group in the US (which is different from a militia...we can talk about that another time). They're regularly on the front lines, starting battles and dealing major damage. They're a useful asset to our national military agenda, but remain totally independent. Josh Frost is a well decorated Battle Hero and a powerful fighter. Josh Frost is as close to being like Harlot as one can safely get without Hulking. He was a good President and I was disappointed he didn't win another term. However, I like my Frost mobile. I like my Frost leading soldiers into war. I don't like my Frost doing paperwork 🙁

PigInZen laid out an extensive plan for war and I am excited by the idea of Frost playing a large role in that agenda. Who doesn't enjoy watching people do what they do best?