France votes NO on PHX referendum; Interview w/ French Minister of Communication

Day 928, 17:49 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii
Potier was the foreign affairs advisor to the French President last month, and before that he was the Ambassador to Canada. This month he is the Minister of Communication. He's also the first double MM in France.

Q: So the non-binding French referendum ended with a win for the Entante side. 53% voted to remain in the Entante, 40% voted to enter Phoenix, out of 243 voters. What are your thoughts on the referendum?

A: Yeah but as you can read in my article the referendum is useless.


Q: Why is the referendum useless?

A: This referendum has no value, because it was done on the forum, so only 243 people voted.


Q: So how would you have a proper referendum?

A: Like when we have 1800 voters in the presidential elections today.


Q: So how would u organize an in-game referendum?

A: I think the government must make a referendum in an article in game, where the French citizens should vote in the comments. Only the French citizens and the soldiers could vote, and reply with "yes" or "no". No organization or foreigner votes would have value.


Q: You think you would get more than 245 people voting that way?

A: Yes sure 🙂


Q: Wouldnt the best way be to have a pro-phx and a pro-entante presidential candidate?

A: Our politics are divided. They don't want to take a very important decision like this without a referendum.


Q: So what do you think this means for France now? France will stay in Entante, so how will that work?

A: France have no choice. We must collaborate with PHX to retake RA & Aquitaine. Without them, we can't beat Spain.


Q: What is the real story on Entante? It seems like the alliance is Little Phoenix.

A: Yes. Entente at first was an alliance of Italy, Ukraine & France. But quickly some small countries (Paraguay, Mexico) joined because they don't want to choose between the 2 big alliances. But, when Spain invaded France, Entente was forced to "join" the fight with PHX. Spain pushed entente to PHX. As I said, we don't have a choice.


Q: So France collaborates with the Phx HQ, and is MPP'd to Phoenix nations.

A: But we keep our independance.


Q: Why not just join Phoenix?

A: Because France remembres how it was before, with Hungary & biggest countries deciding for all, etc. But it's changing. For me, we are not really with PHX, we are just against EDEN. Moreover, to be in Entente permits us to have diplomatic negotiations with countries like USA. Even though USA violated the Treaty of Lyon.


Q: Lets talk about that treaty.

A: When our President, Naischa talked about it I was hopeful. First, USA left EDEN. So, USA left Spain, left Poland.. I think USA & France can be friends. So, when Naischa talked about it, I thought that things would change. But, as you know, the treaty (not signed by Naischa yet in the negotiations) was violated.


Q: But the treaty wasnt a real alliance. It was mostly stuff like non-aggression.

A: Non agression against France, yes. RA is France. Aquitaine is France. So the treaty was violated.


Q: Isn't RA Spain?



Q: The treaty was published in USA.

A: Yea, I read NXNW's article. I think NXNW made a good choice to resign. He has honor.


Q: Ok, but how can such a treaty work, since USA is MPP'd to EDEN, and France is MPP'd to Phoenix?

A: France has MPPs with PHX because: 1- Some of them are friends since Peace time; 2- We are under fire from Spain. As I said, we don't have a choice. But we never attacked USA. But I think it's possible to change the world diplomacy.


Q: Really?

A: Look at UK. They did it. Look at the treaty of Lyon... we almost did it.


Q: They changed alliances. They went from one big alliance to another. They didnt create a 3rd powerful alliance.

A: The alliances are powerful because there are powerful countries in them.
If France & Italia become world powers, Entente will become powerful.


Q: But seriously, France and Italy depend on Phoenix. So the Entante has no power.

A: Currrently, we don't have lot of power, yes. I'm not especially pro-Entente you know.


Q: So would you like to see France in Phoenix?

A: To go to PHX has advantages & disadvantages. Frerk said he hopes that France will come. I don't want France take a decision when we need help from PHX. I think if we join, we must join when we don't need PHX to live. Otherwise it would be a decision out of interest.


Q: Right, but now France needs Phx if it hopes to liberate its regions.

A: PHX needs to push Spain out of France. Spain gives a mass of gold to EDEN. PHX is against EDEN. It's simple.


Q: But isn't that the real truth here, that France can't survive if its not a part of a big alliance? Since Spain rolled over France when France left their alliance, and the only way to get its regions back is if it has support from Phoenix?

A: Yes. I would like it if France creates a 3rd powerful alliance and destroys a bi polar world. But, we can't make it alone.


Q: France tried with Entante, but its not working.

A: Yep, because we are the only middle power along with Italy in the alliance.


Q: Isn't the real reason why France doesnt wanna be in Phoenix, that in Phoenix, France would be a 2nd rate power? And it wants to be in an alliance where France is the top dog

A: France doesn't want to be a dog of another country, like all countries I think. I think the reason France created the Entente is because of the "affaire."


Q: Affaire?

A: First, France was not in PHX, because the other countries didn't invite us in at the creation. And Hungary & other big countries in Peace taunted us. You see, in the invasion of USA-Canada, Hungary wanted France to attack USA, to block them to defend Hungarians colonies. The French President (Lyne Faynel) refused, because it would activate MPPs against France. It's the event that broke the Hungarian-French relations. After that, Indonesians attacked Malaysia because of RL relations. France fought for Malaysia, and Peace imploded. The Peace members created PHX... without France, and without Italia too. What can France do? Create a 3rd alliance, with Italia & their friends. But we still had friends in PHX.


Q: Why did France fight for Malaysia?

A: Because we don't like actions related with RL, and because Lyne is the commander of army, and said to fight for Malaysia. But you're right, France cannot defend itself against Spain, because we are not too powerful. And Spain have EDEN, and we, we have... Entente, not powerful enough.


Q: You have Phoenix?

A: Nah. PHX didn't help us against Spain at the beginning. Some Indos tanks fought against us. But.. when Poland took RA, Poland became rich. And Poland is in EDEN. It's the same with Spain. So, France is in a complicated situation. We don't want to be a dog of another country. However, our relations with Hungary have gotten better.


Q: But countries in EDEN and Phoenix are fine with being "a dog of another country." I mean, all the countries in EDEN and PHX are in their alliance. Sure they complain, but it brings mutual security etc.

A: Yes. But Germany was invaded, like France. And Germany is in PHX. I think PHX is a great alliance, but France should not join them until Spain is in our territory. Because it would be a decision out of interest, and not a determination out of conviction.


Q: But how are you going to get your territory back wihtout help from PHX?

A: Simple. Spain earns each day. A lot of gold from the French wood. Spain tanks a lot against PHX.

PHX must destroy Spanish colonies in France if they want to win against EDEN.


Q: So you're relying on PHX's help?

A: France will fight with PHX to push Spaniards out of France. We made 1.8 million DMG in the last attack.


Q: Why would Phx help France if France wont join Phx? Phx let France get wiped out becuz it wasnt a part of Phx.

A: Nah. PHX helped us at the end. They helped us to get back on the map. And now, they must help us, because it is in their interests.


Q: So you're willing to rely on Phoenix's good will to liberate your territories? Isnt that a little naive?

A: Maybe. But we don't have another choice. Ah, we can maybe join EDEN? XD


Q: That wouldnt work. Spain hates france 🙂

A: Nah. They love us. Otherwise, they would not attack us every time. Spain & France are in war since the beginning of the game. We don't want peace, they are our "best" ennemies. They bring fun to this game. I loved taking Asturias last summer. The summer is coming.. we will see in september 😃


Q: I understand that France wants an alliance with USA, but that would destroy USA's relationship with EDEN countries.

A: We don't wants an alliance with USA, but we are open to work with you.


Q: Well I mean, whats an alliance unless its MPP? And fighting for each other? Anything else is no alliance.

A: Well, there is the diplomatic game. Friends 😕= allies. We can have good relations, without MPP.


Q: Well sure we can be friends. We can sign non-aggression pacts that are broken the same day 🙂

A: Yes, we can do it too XD. You know the fact that you propose a non agression pact, and you break it in the same week is not good for USA. It means you have no honor, no credibility. But the
presidents change each month. Maybe it was just Harrison Richardson's stupidity?


Q: Ok, so lets say for the sake of argument that somehow USA + France can form a legitimate 3rd global alliance.

A: Lets say France & USA created an alliance. Yep, it would be fun o/ but we need Canada too. For the maple syrup. I think it would be epic.


Q: Wouldnt EDEN and PHX see this and just gang up on this alliance if it interfered in the bi polar world? Wouldnt they strike up a deal and say, EDEN you can have the HI regions here, and we'll take these ones here? And the new alliance countries will be so weak they'll never be able to get their regions back? Like France now.

A: EDEN & PHX are enemies, you know. We could have the great Mcdo-OmeletteAuFromage alliance (MDOFA) 😃


Q: LOL. But if a 3rd powerful alliance sprang up, they could just say, ok PHX you go fight against our [EDEN's] former allies, and we wont help them since they left EDEN. And EDEN you fight against our [PHX's] former allies and we wont help them since they left PHX.

A: Yes, they can. It's possible. But it's not fun.


Q: So it would be just a simple agreement between the 2 HQs, and the 3rd alliance is dead. The agreement would be really simple, and the citizens of PHX and EDEN wouldnt care since they'd still be enemies of the other big alliance. But this 3rd alliance would be a nice convinent enemy that no one would help.

A: Yep. But at least we would tried. Presidents must have balls to create it.


Q: Well, France already tried, and it's lost Aquitaine and Rhone Alps.

A: Nah. Because USA is more powerful, than the countries of Entente.


Q: Wouldnt EDEN then let PHX invade USA, and EDEN wouldnt help them since they wouldnt have MPPS's with USA (since USA would have the French MPP)?

A: Yes, that's possible.


Q: You wouldnt even have time to organize such an alliance. As soon as PHX and EDEN saw that countries were gonna change MPPs etc they'd strike. And the nation that would be betraying its old allies first (the one that would go change MPPs) would suffer greatly even from its own population, since citizens dont want to change allies.

A: MDOFA will rule da world 😃


Q: Heh, so whats next for France?

A: First, France has to retake her regions. After, we will invade Canada, not only for the maple syrup, but for Quebec too. We will retake our regions, after we make a huge babyboom. Easy, nah?


Q: And only then would you join PHX? After you were powerful?

A: Seriously, our first goal is to retake our region. After, we will see.. maybe we'll join PHX, because they are old friends. And if they want, and if we want, we will join.


Q: Why not join PHX now? Why keep up the Entante?

A: We are free. Because Entente is our friends too. Italia is our sister. But we don't need to join PHX to have good relations with PHX members. We want to be free, with our friends, no matter they are PHX or not. At the moment, we need PHX to push Spain out. But when we will be in peace, we will choose our destiny. And you forget an option - make a babyboom and become powerful, without any consideration of alliance.


Q: What about, when France has their territory back, can't Spain just invade again? How much gold would PHX spend to defend France if France isnt a part of PHX?

A: Spain will not invade France again, because our relations with Hungary & other big countries improved. When Spain invaded us, Huns & Indos hated us.


Q: What about all the members of PHX and EDEN. Aren't they being smarter about the game than France? They are satisfied to be a part of an alliance and know their limitations.

A: Not so. France is free currently. Look, we can choose PHX, Entente. We can choose to be friends with USA, or not.


Q: France may be free in spirit, but ALL the nations of EDEN and PHX have their HI regions intact. Only France does not. Also China, which isn't a full member of EDEN yet.

A: Yes. Personally, I'm ready to join PHX. But if France joins PHX, we will join them completely. Not only when we need it.


Q: I have heard some Frenchmen say that they are unhappy that Entante presidents keep getting elected, and are not regaining French territories back. They would like a Phoenix president elected that would join Phoenix and take France back.

A: French people are divided about the PHX question. Some people believe that if France joins PHX, *PAF* RA will be free.


Q: Final thought?

A: I wanna say the official French slogan of our eRepublic, "vivre libre, ou pas." Live free, or not. You can read it here: our official government newspaper.

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