...They Pull Me Back In

Day 906, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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After the dirtiest Presidential election in eCanadian history (since May 2009 I am told), I was determined to take a step back. In no uncertain terms I made it clear that I was absolutely disgusted with the conduct of those who opposed my candidacy to the extent that they would attempt to assassinate my character in every way shape and form available to them. I won't go into it - you were there and do not require a review. I resigned from Congress (as some later referred to as a "rage quit&quot😉 and laid about on the Vancouver beaches. Marla and I went about planning our next road trip to California - including Yosemite Park and Death Valley, which we intend to depart for very soon. The first rule of "rage quit" is to cause as much chaos as possible for those left behind - which I certainly did not do. If I wanted to I could have just proposed an impeachment like my faithful trolls accuse me of being behind anyways. Additionally, I could have written an article about Closed Door Congress mental retardation (no offense to any actual retards) that ensued in the week following my "gg" article... Sometimes I wish I had as much power as my trolls accuse me of sometimes...man that would be totally awesome!

I gave back the Q4 house which was lent to me by an old friend - Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith and took a job at another old friend's Q5 Company, worked and donated the wages back to him. I felt as though I was robbing him considering my Wellness and my wage. I fought my way down to 30 Wellness and cleared out my inventory of all food. Working at a Q5 Company without a house or food will reduce your Wellness by 7 each day. Throw in a round of Training and you're looking at a cool -8 Wellness per day.

I tried to reach bottom as fast as possible.

The next day a handful of people donated Q5 Food to me. I have never tried to kill myself before - but I forgot to fill up my inventory with non Food items - which is requisite action in such an endeavor. So here I am, trying to off myself and now I have an inventory full of Q5 num nums. So what did I do with all that Q5 Food? I donated it all to Acacia Mason's Pay It Forward Foundation with explicit instructions to pass it on to Citizens in need. I hope it all found a good home. Even when I lost 8 Wellness per day I still found myself up by 10 - people were gifting me. How long was I prepared to go purposefully reducing my Wellness while eCanadians were spending their own money trying to stop me? Not far. After that I couldn't help but notice the Top news stories of the day. There were many articles that touched me deeply, along with the usual trolls who kept the party going past the election.

The Troll vultures dancing over my dying body.

They know who they are and so does everyone else. No need to name people, I'm quite over it - even if they aren't. One thing I have learned in this game - negative people need something to feed off of - something to focus their negativity upon. Deny them something to focus their appetite for hate and they wither and die...or so I had thought. I wanted to test a theory of mine, namely that when hate loses it's object, does the life of the hater become empty? Hate should not so fill one's life that when the object is gone one has nothing left to live for. In the days which followed my "gg" article I found that my theory is incorrect. The hater does not skip a beat! Rather it directs it's virulence at a new target and continues to unleash it's venom. The only time it is capable of affection or agreement is when it is directed at someone who shares the same object of hate. They herd themselves about and pat one another on the back, congratulating themselves on their purging of their adversary.

I am wiser for this observation which I was able to view objectively and shall venture forth herein without permitting the insults cast in my direction to ruffle my feathers - they shall be denied effect like water off a duck's back. I also am comforted that I was NOT the problem in eCanada. Even in my absence the hating, attacks and corruption continued unabated.

TFD viewing the press during the days which followed the election.

I resigned from Congress as a symbolic gesture - I would not vote if I had no intention of participating in the debates. I would not be like the majority of Congressmen who get elected only for the 5 gold (or Treasure Map now) and never bother to show up - unless their party instructs them to do so only to vote one way or the other. Congress was always my first love and after observing what is in debate at the moment before I was de-masked...

A nagging voice in my head told me what I must do...

I cannot say what it is because of 'Teh Rules' of Closed Door Congress laws but I can tell you that it brought me back from the brink. The Executive obviously desires to spend every penny in eCanada's savings to continue to pay out it's supporters and chase pie in the sky fantasies which have absolutely NOTHING to do with their mandate. I suppose I could disclose what they were but I don't have $4000 CAD to donate to myself (TemujinBC was sloppy and forgot to remove himself as a friend of his newly created "the government of eCanada" Org for 15 minutes as he donated that $4000 to himself). WTF was up with that anyways? Commit treason and pay two Q1 Weapons (because the Country President manipulated the Judiciary, forcing both MoJ and AG to resign) and you get into Congress or reallocate Gov't funds and have to pay $4000 AND be banned from the national forums and IRC? This country has gone to the role play dogs who presume that they have jurisdiction over the eRep Laws!

The FORUM COURTS should have NO jurisdiction of IN GAME activity


The FORUM Supreme Court of eCanada.
Yes ladies, they're single!

That is what the eRep Laws are for. The Courts should ONLY have jurisdiction over Forum activity. Don't take my word for it tho. After all it was the Courts which brought me up on charges of Terrorism and when I beat that rap handily and tried to counter sue for defamation they just threw out my case willy nilly. The Chief Justice resigned shortly thereafter...Their "judgments" are tantamount to oppressing a citizen. They - in their [sarcasm]infinite wisdom[/sarcasm] have removed a duly elected Congressman from being able to debate as he was elected by the people to do.
THAT is a crime against democracy, but I guarantee you the "Courts" would throw out any such counter suit. God forbid they actually participate in exercises of self accountability!

Click image to check out them awesome shoes

The ever expanding Executive attempting to
rally support for lunatic fringe adventures and
bankrupting the State in the process.

The Executive has expanded to it's largest size in my entire eLife. There is a ministry for every influential member in every party which endorsed the Prime Minister's campaign. It has gotten out of control. The Office of Prime Minister has turned into nothing more than an opportunity for also-rans to ride the coat tails of whomever is most able to convince Party leadership to endorse them in exchange for a Ministry. If there are no more Ministries left to give - then they are created! This is how the Executive inflates itself to where we see it now.

Since WWIII the Executive has ballooned in size.
Most do nothing whatsoever (so I am told by previous CPs)
They do LOVE their little titles tho! Keep It Simple Stupid!

On a personal note;

All in all I will be returning to semi-regular activity. I have had to take some time off to manage my finances irl correlative to the ever expanding gov't bailout bubble. The Trillion USD bailout in the Euro zone has forced me to walk away from my Euro holdings. Half of Eastern Europe is engaged in civil unrest and the other half is watching...knowing that they are next. Unless you've been living under a rock or are so immersed in this game that you missed the situation in Greece, you'll know exactly what I am talking about. Greece is the first domino to fall and I fully expect them to not be the last. Spain and Portugal are also teetering on the brink and have accepted the same measures which brought Greece to riot. Italy and Ireland are not far behind. The UK election was inconclusive and they look to have about as efficient a gov't as we enjoy here in Canada - despite the newly formed coalition.

The real world is a train screaming down the tracks without any brakes and in good conscience I could not sit here and play a game while I jeopardize my family's wealth. After all - it's only a game, no reason to beat yourself up over it.

The times - they are a changin'

Yes, I'm back.

No, you don't have to beat yourself up over it.

By the way - we were all lied to about the eFrance war.
