Supreme Court of Canada vs Tyler F Durden

Day 829, 19:11 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden">

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We can't stop here! This is 2-clicker country!
Note the terrorized Judge in the back seat...

Coles Notes:The Supreme Court of Canada has placed me under arrest accusing me of Terrorism (lol) and alleging that I would use my power as a Congressman to get the justice I demanded that the courts were unwilling to provide due to their ineptitude. Apparently our judges are beyond question and above the law! For the record, I specified that I would make a public - In Game motion of non confidence in the justices such as this - NOT use my status as a Congressman on the Forums to effect this change. REX is on crack.

Click on the image to enlarge the hilarity!

For those who don't frequent the eCan Forums often, an amusing development has occurred. I have had WAY too much free time on my hands. I had asked the courts to decide whether or not the citizen to be known as The Salty One had slandered me on eCan Forums when he claimed that I PM'd him to sell a Congress seat place in the CPF in exchange for gold when I was PP of the CPF. I called him on it. I demanded he man up and be an ADULT and show evidence of such an allegation. He failed to do so. I asked again - and again he failed. He went on like a broken record about it on the UN Democracy for Sale scandal thread - which had nothing to do with the CPF or me for that matter.

So what did I do? I was bored and am feeling adventurous now that I don't have the shackles of leadership around my neck forcing me to be politically correct, saying yes ma'am, no ma'am, three bags full.

I decided to awaken the cobwebbed Supreme Court of Canada to see what they thought.
olivermellors, the Attorney General and the banned for violating eRepublik Citizen Law #1 Vincent Valentine - who is our Supreme Justice told me I had to provide evidence that I did not send any messages to The Salty One asking for gold in exchange for a Congress seat.

*There is a discrepancy between the actual identity between the citizen that I foun😛 Vincent Valentine, and the one produced by ollivermellors: Vincent Valentine. They both have the same nick. This discrepancy has now been remedied.

I maintain that no such message exists. Obviously, how could I show it if I maintain it doesn't exist? Justice Valentine told me that if I couldn't produce that sent message, then I had no case.

My jaw hit the floor.

I hereby challenge a deaf man to recite Mozart's Etude Nocturne #5.

Not once did the Justices ask The Salty One to produce the evidence to back up his allegations that I attempted to sell a congress seat to him - as had made the UN look so bad in the public image when Caesar exposed them for it.

Got no evidence eh? GUILTY! Give me more adrenaline!
Attorney, take me back to Vegas! There are 2-clickers everywhere!

When I checked to see who these guys are in eRepublik, I found that Justice Valentine was a banned citizen. When I asked to know who was actually standing in judgment of me, the court placed me under arrest!

Canada's antiquated, 2-clicker Supreme Court

Now I know I probably have too much time on my hands these days - relax, that'll change next Wednesday when I go back to work - but am I the crazy one here?

I hereby move for a vote of non confidence in these judges and propose NEW Supreme Justices who KNOW law and are ACTIVE in eRepublik and have the respect of Canadians.

So Tyler is fighting back!

You may view the process of events Here if you have eCan Forum masking.

You may view the Case against me by "Rex", Here

You know what to do...">Ban Tyler">Contact My Attorney
