[eUSMC] Interviewing the Corps: Rebound

Day 1,257, 21:55 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

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I'm just posting to announce that the "Interviewing the Corps" series will be redeveloped for the new officers in the Marine Corps and be completed within the next couple weeks to help bring about greater exposure to the best known eUS Military force on the planet.

The Marine Corps is the premier force of the eUS Para Military. Lead by the Croatian war hero and American Marine, General HisAirness and Vice Commandant Cstarlight21 the eUS Marine Corps follows a simple mission.

✯ Defend the eUS against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
✯ Represent American interests abroad, working with the President through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to further the American military machine.
✯ Take down walls, kick down doors and open up holes in the enemies defense.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ Join The Marine Corps Today! ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Do you have what it takes to be an American Marine? The Marine Corps is recruiting! If you want to be part of an elite force of seasoned fighters and dedicated professionals, join today. The Marine Corps isn't just a job. It's a way of eLife. It's a career. But first and foremost. It's fun.

Strength: 3,000
In Game Rank: Colonel
Minimum Influence w/ No Weapon: 680
Application: Marine Application

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If you are interested in reading other articles about the Marine Corps or the recurring "Interviewing the Corps" series, the following can be found bellow.

[eUSMC] Leathernecks and Devil Dogs
[eUSMC]Interviewing the Corps: Volume 1
[eUSMC]Interviewing the Corps: Volume 2
[eUSMC]Interviewing the Corps: Volume 3
[eUSMC]Interviewing the Corps: Volume 4
[eUSMC]Interviewing the Corps: Volume 5
[eUSMC]Interviewing the Corps: Volume 6

Volume 7 will be released shortly! Also, be sure to subscribe to the Marine Corps Post, where I will begin writing the new series, "Leatherneck: The American Warfighter".
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Lieutenant Sir Valaro Volcrum
Media Officer of the eUnited States Marine Corps