[eUSMC] Interviewing the Corps: Volume 4

Day 1,205, 11:03 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

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Good morning America. Today, Hell Jumper is bringing you Volume 4 of the all new Interviewing the Corps series!

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Interviewing The Corps: Volume 4

This interview is with Lieutenant HansLi, Commander of 1st Platoon "Harlot's Leathernecks", Bravo Company, eUS Marine Corps.

1. How did you find eRepublik?
I was playing a game called CyberNations and I saw some members talking about this game, so I joined when it was in Beta(the first beta in 200😎.

2. So how did you eventually join the Marines?
I joined in 2008, I was a member of the Army, and then I applied to the Marines when the minimum strength required was 5.

3. What do you like most about the Corps?
Everyone in the Marines has a commitment to something greater than themselves. We are always ready to defend this country.

4. Devil Dogs, Leathernecks or The Few and the Proud?
The Few, The Proud, The Marines!

5. Semper Fi or Oorah?
Semper Fi. Always!

6. Who is your favorite Commandant?
Eugene Harlot, because he was a legend in the corps and he was my first commandant.

7. If you could choose someone for the Presidency of the United States of America, who would it be and why?
I want to see a girl in the presidency of eUS, because i want something different to be honest.

8. What do you think of the fast growing, foreign group known as iNCi?
As long as they stay in peace with us, they are no problem.

9. Cake or Pie?

10. Is there anything else you'd like to say?
Never engage the same enemy for too long, or he will adapt to your tactics.

Lieutenant Sir Valaro Volcrum
Media Officer
eUS Marine Corps

Semper Fi