[eUSMC] Interviewing the Corps: Volume 1

Day 1,194, 08:49 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

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Good morning America. Today, Hell Jumper is bringing you an all new series.

Some Music For Easy Listening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWxBrI0g1kE

Interviewing The Corps

This will be a roughly month long series concentrating on the officers of the Marine Corps. From Platoon Commanders, Company Commanders, Leaders and Advisers alike. The first interview is Lieutenant NKBlue, commander of 1st Platoon "Death Squad", Alpha Company, eUS Marine Corps.

1. How did you find eRepublik?
I heard about it from someone with whom I was playing Lunar Wars. Thought it sounded cool, so I signed up. Been playing for close to 3 years now.

2. So how did you eventually join the Marines?
Joe DaSmoe recruited me a little over a year ago. I wanted to get off the 2-clicker routine, so I signed up. The rest is history...

3. What do you like most about the Corps?
Honestly, it's the people. Everyone is always willing to help out, yet cool enough to give you a swift kick in the ass when you need it. Getting on IRC and watching the different military rooms is pretty fun, lots of cool people to hang with.

4. Devil Dogs, Leathernecks or The Few and the Proud?
The Few and the Proud. If you can't do it, get out. If you can, get here now.

5. Semper Fi or Oorah?
Semper Fi. Never could stand the whole oorah thing...

6. Who is your favorite Commandant?
Sukoidha, and only because he was my first.

7. If you could choose someone for the Presidency of the United States of America, who would it be and why?
Truthfully, I don't keep up on politics much. Most politicians lie too much for my taste. Give me one that fulfills their promises and I'll be happier than you could ever know.

8. What do you think of the fast growing, foreign group known as iNCi?
I'm all for peaceful relations with foreign groups on domestic soil. As long as they don't cause problems, I'll leave them alone. They start up trouble, then I can't be responsible for my actions. My country comes first, no questions asked.

9. Cake or Pie?
Pie. There's absolutely no competition.

10. Is there anything else you'd like to say?
No matter how small or anonymous you think you are, you can contribute in your own way. It takes all kinds to run a nation, from those that 2-click to those who spend tons of money.

Note: This interview was conducted several days ago, before the current controversy surrounding INCI and Congress.

PFC Sir Valaro Volcrum
2nd Platoon "Widow Makers"
Alpha Company, eUS Marine Corps

Semper Fi