[eUSMC] Interviewing the Corps: Volume 6

Day 1,210, 12:00 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

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Good morning America. Today, Hell Jumper is bringing you Volume 6 of the all new Interviewing the Corps series!

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Interviewing The Corps: Volume 6

This interview is with Colonel xDavidx, Commander of Bravo Company, eUS Marine Corps.

1. How did you find eRepublik?
I came across eRepublik from banner ads on a game called Industry Tycoon, which is an online economic simulation. This was about about two and a half years ago now, i have long since stopped playing that game but seem to be in eRepublik for the long run.

2. So how did you eventually join the Marines?
Well i was on and off in the Army for about a year before becoming a marine, my interest there was mainly for the supplies and to help the eUSA. At that time i was a moderately strong player at that point as i first started playing on the last week of Beta. In about December of 2009 Joe DaSmoe recruited me to the marines, where soon after i was accepted into the Marine Corps. I have now been with the Marines for a little over a year, and it has been my best experience with eRepublik.

3. What do you like most about the Corps?
The thing i like the most is our community, at any time there are always people talking about various subjects which range from eRepublik, real life, or various matters that interest us. Also anyone can voice their opinion on any matter, which could be in direct conflict to the status quo and they will be thanked for their opinion and it will be taken with absolute consideration. Also its nice to be able to kick some ass on the battle field at any given time.

4. Devil Dogs, Leathernecks or The Few and the Proud?
The Few the Proud the Marines

5. Semper Fi or Oorah?
Semper Fi

6. Who is your favorite Commandant?
Well with my time here i have seen a lot of great CO's in the Marines. So first i am going to give you my opinion of all of them as many of you may not know who i have even seen as Commandment. When i came into the marines Sukoidha was the Commandment who i was quite afraid at the time as he ruled with a iron fist and i was the new guy on the block. After he retired we got our loving Canadian Commandment Paradiziac, he fulfilled the position very well but retired within a short time frame due to time commitments i believe. I consider these two as a team, not sure if that's an accurate assessment as i new in the marines community when i met them but i do have great respect for both of them today.
After their day came to a close Deificus became the next commandment right before V2 launched. At first i did not know much about him at all to be honest as he is a very quite man in public discussions. But with my time as an officer in the marines i have worked with him in great extent on various programs and discussions about the Marines. Also, as i have been exposed to the behind the scenes workings as an officer i see that he still functions as a vital adviser to the marines, where he never lacks great judgment. With this being said he has grown to become one the players i respect most in eRepublik. All of this being said he was not Commandant for an extensive amount of time either as V2 had put a damper on his enthusiasm for this game we all play.
This brings us to our current Commandment HisAirness. He has been in power the longest of any Commandment for the marines that i have been under. In this time he has always pushed us Marines to stay faithful to this game as many of us have been discouraged numerous times from V2 to the current time where changes seem to be coming almost daily. He leads us very effectively to help win battles when most of America is at work and does so on a nearly daily basis. He and always has the interest of every Marine, the Marines as a whole, and the eUSA at heart. Also he takes considerations from any marine about policies or whatever and takes them into consideration and makes hard decisions from there. In summary he is basically anything you could as for from a Commandment.
With all this being said every Commandment has been absolutely wonderful but HisAirness sticks out the most with his time as Commandment as he has given us stability after a period of fast paced turnover with V2.

7. If you could choose someone for the Presidency of the United States of America, who would it be and why?
Well it would not be a Marine, the main reason is a value every single Marine as they all add value to our community. If they were to become President of the eUnited States of America they would probably become over taxed by this game and we could possibly lose another great member of our community. Although there are many Marines who would fit this job if necessary and do a good job at it.
So to be honest i would probably pick someone i disliked and hope that it wore them out so they would quit the game.

8. What do you think of the fast growing, foreign group known as iNCi?
I feel as they could become a valuable asset to the eUSA as any large active group is important to an eCountry. They seem to have good intentions right now but seem a little forceful in their ways, but that could be a language barrier. Although as any active large group is highly influential which is their value to us it can also be used in a negative way if that is the route they took. I hope they become an integral part of our eCommunity in a positive way, but as i am typically a cautious person i feel my final assessment of the situation will come in about six months to a year from now.

Note: Interview was conducted prior to Congressional Elections.

9. Cake or Pie?

10. If you had 1,000 gold, what would you do and why?
Well it depends on the situation, if our nation was in dire needs and on the brink of being conquered i would tank with it and hopefully be able to influence a positive outcome for ourselves. If imminent destruction is not the case i would probably invest it to create more gold so i would have 1,000+ gold when that day comes. If that day never comes the day i quit this game ill donate my gold and investments to the Marines to benefit the community that has made my eLife worthwhile.

Lieutenant Sir Valaro Volcrum
Media Officer
eUS Marine Corps

Semper Fi