Day 877, 06:42 Published in Indonesia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux


1. people are quitting.
2. people are high and quitting .
3. people are leaving to elsewhere
4. people are dying and dead.
5. people are questioning why we should keep playing.
6. people are scamming gold
7. people are upset over bugs and headless chickens
8. people are really upset over bugs and crappy admin


1. some others are trying to recruit new players.
2. some others are trying to help others in the game
3. some others are trying to make a good vibrant business gameplay
4. some others are working hard to get up the ladder
5. some others are trying write good articles to keep you interested
6. some others are aiming to be presidents, generals, writers, millionaires, tankers, spies and so forth....\
7. and many are here for the community...

and some others are still having fun at the expense of others misery.

and some people are just plain addicted and felt for a responsibility to stay on.

Why do i keep playing this 'game'? Coz really - it's not so much a game for me these days. I read eRep news like i read crappy RL Malaysian news. I chat with some of you as if i m talking to my other online friends and colleagues. Yeah, in a way, it's a bloody job (as a CP) and it's a 2nd life (sort of). It's weird. but it's an experience. Perhaps in a week or two, or a month or two - i ll get sick of it ..and i will leave. Till then, i hope those who stick around to play - well,


Have some FUN.

Screw it if we lost Sarawak tomorrow. we will get it back.
Screw it if the eSerbians PTOed us tomorrow. we will fight it back.
Screw it if CDV takes eMalaysia into EDEN tomorrow, you will just vote him out next term.
Screw it if Carr de Vaux quit tomorrow. we will get another carr de vaux.
Screw it if the admin is shit. we will just need to work around them.
Screw it if the game is crappy - go play other games! (i heard Starcraft 2 is out) I know of others great online MMORPG too. 😃

Really. again. work with me - step up to be volunters for newbies .. help us to get the military running, write some articles to enlighten us your thoughts, start a company and outearn Setsunax...(i heard he is gone too 🙁(( ).

Carr de Vaux