where for art thou lolalipop.?

Day 873, 13:47 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by lolalipop

i am the man who loves everything except democracy.i mean you see how democracy sucks by asking people to control everything but still the leaders decide what to and what not to control.how stupid is that.

lets take communism as an example.all humans are the same and there's no such thing as the rich and the poor.just good ol plain 'sama taraf'.the leaders is someone who have great influence all over the country so it's kind of easy to be one.just start something that everyone will like and you will become the leader.

dictatorship is good too.depending on how the leader is selected.most probably by the people.if he's someone who have 'good nature'. he can do good to the country but.if the opposite happen.things will turn to shit.imagine the people who have selected him.i like it.


since i have not sleep for 2days i cant think anymore.there's more but the hell with it.all of the others are way better than democracy.to hell i tell you to hell.

oh by the way.in this game you dont have to worry much about any change in the way the country runs because this game is total democracy.

and and.1 more thing.i want to create a 'party berhaluan kiri'.you guys want to join.i'll be the one who goes with the weird speech about all those stupid arguments in the parliament and ignore all the other facts about humanism.🙂

and and last but still not least.do you guys smoke weed.it's better than smoking cigarette because it is herbs i tell you.H.E.R.B.S. spell it for god-sake.

im not high or stone.literally.i just dont get enough sleep.honestly.i just want my stupid break from all those shits.and no this has nothing to do with my RL issue.

last sentence.i love facebook.

last word.bye.wait not yet


true last word.bye