[GOV] Office of Recruitment (2) - Newbie Office Hiring

Day 877, 02:58 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Jonny Tan
Hello Citizens of eMalaysia! eMalaysia needs you to signup for the eMalaysian elites units: Avatars, weapons and of course fun! So sign up here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dG5JajN4QzhxTG5PYkdheXJRbjVhd1E6MA">HERE
For more info message our Supreme Commander http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1267049">HERE

Referring to my previous post: [GOV] Office of Recruitment

Today I had a bit free in office, so I try to catch up the time to finish few important article I suppose to post for this month. Referring to my previous article, we are in need of about 10 tutor or I would like to call them as newbie officer. For those who interest, please reply in comment at below, to state your name, or you also can refer to some one name, which you think he/she is capable to the job. I will get back to you to hold a short interview with you in private.

By the way, actually the post is for temporary, because I am planning to put ads in among RL Malaysian social network media, and I foresee it will need many people to take part to handle new citizen that are coming in. After the event, these officer may be will convert to SO officer, or they can just leave the position.

Newbie Officer's job scope
(1) Login twice a day, at morning and night:
(2) login to check on new citizen spreadsheet;
(3) check on those new citizen under your oversee, like wellness, and send greeting message if you think there was a problem encounter by the citizen, like wellness drop dramatically;
(4) update the citizen status which under your oversee, to log like not login today, dying, we will come out a better guideline for the status comment, and also when to decide ignore a inactive citizen;
(5) any new citizen that haven't put in-charge under an officer in the spreadsheet, try to take them under your oversee, of course base on your availability;
(6) check & reply message from the citizen under your oversee;

Purpose & explanation from the job scope
(1) we tend to make every reply within 12 hours;
(2) raise up the problem may cause to the new citizen, if they are not aware.

Write by,
Jonny Tan
Director of Recruitment (April)
President of Pakatan Rakyat (March & April)