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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

And now a word from probably the most unlikely candidate

0 Day 491, 00:10 Published in USA USA

It's a little late, but I still want to say...VOTE FOR ME!!!

If you've read my past presentations, you'd know a bit about what I thinnk is good. More taxes for war and infrastructure, higher tariffs (import, export tax) for evil countries (you

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I'm feeling nice. 0.08 GOLD per person subscribe. Max 25 people. (I'm not rich)

31 Day 488, 20:07 Published in USA USA


Try this one more time...

Just subscribe and vote and post "voted and subscribed"

I am giving away 0.08 GOLD for every post here that says "voted and subscribed"

No less than 10 people, no more than 25 people.

Don't all come

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Another random article on the impeachment or something trifling

3 Day 488, 19:59 Published in USA USA

Hi again. Time to take a break from serious stuff and go to something more "trifling"

The president was impeached...


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Communists, bad or good, a conversation.

7 Day 485, 15:48 Published in USA USA

I am in the communist party.
Does this mean COMMUNISTS are BAD?
To me no. Why JUDGE someone by the name? I don't know.
How about we all take the time to LISTEN to what we say about issues and THEN you can LAUGH all you want.

Normally, our

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New and improved presentation (not so vague or "ehh....")

2 Day 482, 22:26 Published in USA USA

And now, running for the state of Ilinois, milestailsprower!

Ok. So. Just my thinking a little bit of what I am able to do if I am congressman, I support higher taxes to improve the defense system and hospital system. In fact, during my term, I

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