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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

Reitering the point of my newspaper...

1 Day 547, 19:02 Published in USA USA

Just a reminder peoples. This is supposed to be a stupid paper. I COULD be rational if I felt like it.

I just won't be. Not in my articles anyway.

I'm saying this because recently, a few people just really heavily criticized my writing (see

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It's been a while folks. We got a lot of trifles to catch up with!

6 Day 544, 19:08 Published in USA USA

Yes! Time for the comeback of awesome stupidity and lack of sense! Evryone needs some once in a while, even a guy like me who everyone at school thinks is a nerd and stuff.

Yessssssssssssssssssssssssirrrrrrrreeeee eeeeeeee it's going to be fun.

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A boring and frusturating day

3 Day 515, 14:21 Published in USA USA

The most boring day has come. And right after tax day too. Ok fine, I don't care about tax day. I'm not an adult who has to do that 😛

Stupid biology stuff though. Half the class stinkng failed.

Wo. I think this is even worse than when I'm

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Feeling nice again. Get 0.08 gold. (Once again, I'm not rich)

40 Day 501, 19:15 Published in USA USA

Hello again peoples.

Let's get straight to it. I want to give out my gold!

Here's how it'll work.

50 subscribers max. Post "voted and subscribed" and you're good to go.

I will also give out a nice gift of 2 gold to a random person 🙂

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Latest trifle: I'm winning in my Diplomacy game (omgthatneverhappens)

4 Day 496, 22:15 Published in USA USA

Oh my gosh. I'm Italy with the most SCs (don't worry, France is friendly 🙂

Who would've thunk it would've gone from a triple alliance against France to a I decide to ally with him and … read more »