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Notice of Intent

31 Ziua 772, 20:29 Publicat în Australia Australia

The woman moves to stand at the lectern. Hands clasping each side of the frame she blinks at the camera flashes from the reporters. “I stand before you to announce my intentions.” Her voice is cold, strong and ruthless. “It is my understanding that

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Open Challenge to the CP Candidates.

17 Ziua 770, 21:10 Publicat în Australia Australia

Apparently this is not done so how about an inaugural debate? The candidates open a topic on the forum, 800 words for your opening with the right of reply after all candidates have posted. Limit it to say 3 replies and then a summary post.

I am

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ERA Voting Squads? Democracy in action or rigging elections?

11 Ziua 765, 22:06 Publicat în Australia Australia

What the hell is going on in the eAus government... … citește în continuare »

About Leadership and Elections (statement)

6 Ziua 764, 02:38 Publicat în Australia Australia

Larni’s story time continues in a day or so. This time I actually have something to say
The Eden planes scream across the heavens, her tanks roll across the plains and our soldiers join with brothers in arms to wipe the evil invaders from our … citește în continuare »

Soldier Boy

9 Ziua 763, 01:02 Publicat în Brazil Brazil

At fourteen Conner was not old enough to join the army but that hadn’t stopped him fighting when the enemy had come. His parents had were butchered under the Brazilian war machine and Conner taken to the bush to take up camp with the resistance

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