Notice of Intent

Day 772, 20:29 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

The woman moves to stand at the lectern. Hands clasping each side of the frame she blinks at the camera flashes from the reporters. “I stand before you to announce my intentions.” Her voice is cold, strong and ruthless. “It is my understanding that PTO’s are conducted in subterfuge, deals made in the back rooms. Under the table handshakes with power brokers who seek to benefit and gain influence over the Political Parties future direction.
I am not most people. I will not hide my intentions, only to reveal them in the eleventh hour.
I stand before you now to make my intentions obvious. I plan on rebuilding The Australian Military Party. For too long the beast has been sleeping, swept under the carpet while chaos and anarchy reigns in the government.
With no watchdog, there is no force to ensure that the needs of our country are first and foremost in the minds of our political leaders. Each politician, each party possess their own ideals for this nation and I understand that without such diversity we are not a true democracy. However within each organisation are those who seek to twist and manipulate the powers they are granted by the people.
My mission is to end the ‘Little Boy’ politics that brought this nation to its knees. Through the Australian Military Party, I will initiate a number of processes that will protect us from the self serving politicians who with lies and deception manipulate their ways into the halls of power. Through the AMP they will be held accountable and I will slowly transform our nation into something far greater than you have been lead to believe possible.
I will take all who seek to learn and gain instruction. I will mould them into the leaders of tomorrow. I offer no affiliation to any particular party and will always work with our nations and the population’s best interest at heart.
Those of you who have seen my words on the forum, or my articles will know this. Those with the ears to hear will understand that within my words are truth.
In my first week here I was asked countless times to run for senate with the obvious future of becoming the CP. I will state right here, right now. I will never attempt to become the Country President. I have been a leader for too long in my online existence and have nothing to prove to myself. Without that drive I can honestly say I would not have the dedication for the personal sacrifices that being CP entails.
With the A.M.P I present my counter offer.
This party is dithering on the abyss, leaderless and forgotten to the annals of history. We shall begin anew, utilising our present members and laying the ground work for the future.
What I need of you is understanding. eAustralia is a democracy, and it is as a democracy I want you all to decide. There is fourteen days until the new Party President for A.M.P is elected. Fourteen days, for another group to attempt a PTO.
Fourteen days to stop me.
I want the publics’ support in this action cause I need to know that this is indeed what the people want.
There have been many naysayers to my words, those intimidated by my point of view and my strength of resolution. I have no doubt there will be many openly opposed to this article. It is for those people that I release this declaration. You have more than enough time to place members into this political party and attempt to stop me.
Also there is plenty of time, for those who believe in angels, to aid me in this action.
Now for the list of some of my proposals:
1) As the Australian Military Party will in effect become the Military Police/ Enforces of Order in eAus. I plan on using my position to recruit the commanders of DoD and AAR as ‘advisors’ bringing them onboard either officially or unofficially. There will be no obligation for our advisiors to join the AMP as a political party but actual experience is always a benefit and I am not foolish enough to say that I will not need the help of a strong group around me.

2) I will turn the AMP into a training area for rooks to learn the ropes. Give me one month with a n00b and I will turn them into a commander of people. These will be the Future leaders of our nation
With every recruit that moves on to other parties, to seek their place in the halls of politics, there will be that inbuilt loyalty to a high moral standard. Through this the ‘community standard’ will be raised. Something I have made obvious that I feel eAus is sadly lacking.

3) I will to prove that leaders can come from all quarters. Many Vets are too fixed in their ways to provide any substantial form of command. With me taking command of AMP and implementing new laws and proposals (in party) we will prove that n00bs are just as valuable, infact more so. They are the future.
A true leader is not determined by XP, a leader is trained. Especially, when all it takes for XP in erep is to press two buttons. I have already expressed my concerns about a few ‘commanders’ who hold their rank not because of their personalities but their XP levels.

4) Implementation of Black Ops Division. This is VERY important and very easy to do. We have our members log, log, log and take notes and do more logging. We will have them spread about other rooms, logging and taking notes and we will create dossiers on prominent players world-wide that will aid us in the future. I understand the government is already working on an Intelligence division, what I propose is a separate unit that is not affiliated to the government but to the people.

This will also cause our people to consider their words before they post openly slanderous statements or carry on like children. It sounds like the SS and in a sense that is exactly what it is.

5) I will use all my influence to force our present leaders into aligning with EDEN, though my agents have informed me of another possible alliance in the winds. Either way eAustralia will be strong, both internally and externally. We will have protection of our brother and sister nations and our citizens shall live in peace.
6) The AMP will be based on Respect . When we enter a irc room we will demand respect through our actions and not because of our XP levels. When we post on the forum we will not post like emo’s crying for attention, our members will not publish any articles that have not been ‘certified’ as worthy of release.
Our member will be ordered and respectful on ALL IRC channels and our own room will be open for all who seek the comradeship of IRC and the safety of a controlled environment.

7) We will be the most active and visible of all the parties and have distinguishing factors. In IRC we will use ranks and titles, on the forum we will use uniformed signatures. The AMP will be ORDER. When all around is us chaos we will be the calm and level head in the storm.
In fourteen days the people will decide. You can support or thwart me in a few simple clicks.
The choice is yours.”

Larni takes a step back as the reporters voice all roar questions to her at once. Turning her back to them she walks off.

*apologies for any poor writing but Thor threw down the gauntlet and I couldn't wait to have it proof read.*