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Quebec is a Priority! (Now with French Translation!)

28 Ziua 608, 07:41 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

Quebec is currently under attack from France. You can check out the battle here. For those who haven't subscribed to our Ministry of Defense news paper I suggest you do that

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Tag Team

30 Ziua 607, 19:47 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

Most of you are probably wondering what happened with Manitoba and wondering why Canada "retreated" from battle. To say it simply enough Canada and USA have created a Tag Team where instead of facing PEACE all at once in a

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Its the Final Countdown

10 Ziua 602, 09:25 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

Its the final countdown, as the clock dwindles down to less than 2 hours in the battle for Nova Scotia. Its very important that we see FULL participation in this battle.

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It has begun! Do NOT fight for UK

17 Ziua 601, 14:48 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

The battle has started today. I am advising ALL Canadians and her allies to NOT fight in the North East battle between Hungary and UK. I repeat DO NOT FIGHT FOR UK![

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Being Prepared

13 Ziua 600, 18:25 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

As most of you have read about there is a threat on Canada's safety. Whether or not those are the true intentions of the Hungarians/United Kingdom Canada is still going to remain a vigilant force and will be on guard for both her

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