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To Our Romanian Friends

12 Ziua 554, 16:33 Publicat în Canada Canada

If you have not seen the above battle, let me tell you it was certainly worth watching! Romania its so great to see you guys back out there!

I send this message to all Romanian's and to all Soldiers who participated in this battle:

\o/ WOO

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South Africa - A Friend in Need.

12 Ziua 553, 09:33 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello Canada,

there is another battle you can currently participate in from Canada. This battle involves South Africa and Indonesia. Last night South Africa had a Party Take Over and lost the elections to outsiders. Now they are faced with

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Support a Soldier Foundation #5

7 Ziua 548, 15:02 Publicat în Canada Canada

If you have never heard of this before go here for more information so you know what I'm actually talking about 😛.

Wow what a crazy week this has been in

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Support a Soldier Foundation #4

11 Ziua 535, 12:40 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

Well its that time again, its time to show your support for your fellow eCanadians and hard working soldiers. If you don't know what the heck I'm blabbing about you should check out my first article [url=

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Support a Soldier Foundation #3

15 Ziua 527, 10:32 Publicat în Canada Canada


Due to real life drama and some eCanada problems I was not able to update my foundation. Now that things have settled down I can now add my focus to my program. If you are a new comer and do not know much about my foundation read [url=http:

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