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To eCanadians / À tous les Canadiens

15 Ziua 616, 07:50 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello eCanadians!

I assume some of you are stuck in the United Kingdom. With the implementation of the citizen module its very important that you move back to Canada straight away!

So here are a couple of ways to get some tickets to move back

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To eCanadians / À tous les Canadiens

15 Ziua 616, 07:27 Publicat în France France

Hello eCanadians!

I assume some of you are stuck in France from their previous conquest of some of our provinces. With the implementation of the citizen module its very important that you move back to Canada straight away!

So here are a

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Tank Donations

19 Ziua 614, 17:28 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

Alberta was attacked and we want to do absolutely everything we can do to protect it and to make sure that Alberta does not fall into the wrong hands.

We are opening a [

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11 Ziua 611, 12:59 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

Holy moly there is a lot of confusion today eh? Anyways here is my brief instructions to you.

Do NOT fight in Oregon
"OMG THOUGH JACOBI SAYS TO FIGHT THERE" Sorry he made a mistake. Don't fight there. These are

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How to Join the Army (War Times)

46 Ziua 609, 07:33 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada!

During these war times its a good idea to join the army so you may be supplied and fight for your country more effectively! Some of you have attempted to do so already and most have succeeded however I'm going to post EXACTLY what

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