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Coda's Response

52 Ziua 666, 20:32 Publicat în Canada Canada

Date: September 14th.
Location: Quebec City.
Mission: To attend a meeting with the eCanadian leaders... little did I know what William Duncan was planning.

After the conference with the leaders of eCanada I was invited by William Duncan for

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How to join the CAF! (with French Translation!)

40 Ziua 651, 19:22 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanadians 😃

I will be including a copy of another article (with some modifications) about how to apply for the CAF to ensure that everyone can find their way to the CAF application no problems 🙂

Whats going on with the CAF?


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Coda is Jet Lagged

11 Ziua 648, 08:26 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanadians

This is going to be a REALLY quick article but I plan on making a longer version of what I have been up to lately in erepublik. I have been so busy trying to get things sorted in the CAF, and doing other things I have not had

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eCanadians - Staying in Touch

6 Ziua 627, 08:12 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanadians!

I am here to inform you that there are ways to stay in touch with other eCanadians and work hard for the resistance force!

Its a good idea to stay informed so subscribing to these articles below will help you

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British Columbia!

9 Ziua 622, 15:43 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada

Today BC was attacked by France. Our opponents have orders to use their weapons and to fight in British Columbia.

Fight to defend BC from the invaders!

Even if you are

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