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To: Admins Love: Coda

97 Ziua 762, 17:06 Publicat în Canada Canada

Dear erepublik admins,

Although I am highly flattered that you created Lana in my image. There are a few things that need improving upon.

1) She needs longer hair. Short hair just doesn't cut it.

2) Dog tags. Every soldier has dog tags and

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65 Ziua 760, 07:39 Publicat în Canada Canada

Dear Ramizeth,

For your continued efforts as a commander of the Canadian Armed Forces I am pleased to award you with the title General of the Canadian Armed Forces. You are a strong, dedicated, and kind leader who I know will take this job and

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We are Destined to be Foes...

64 Ziua 756, 07:14 Publicat în Canada Canada

I don't believe that for one minute.

Why do people think in such black and white terms? Crimson Canucks, or the Canadian Armed Forces? Both serve two separate purposes and do not collide.

For those of you out there who are causing this … citește în continuare »

CAF Veterans

37 Ziua 748, 21:04 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada,

I have been wanting to do this for sometime now. I want to give recognition to a few CAF veterans that have been fundamental to its development. This list is in no particular order of significance. Each one of these members were

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22 Ziua 689, 06:50 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanadians!

I haven't posted an article in forever... and for good reason! This article contains new information about the CAF, and other things that may be of interest.

First of all if you haven't joined the CAF yet here's the [url=http:

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