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"We choose to go to the moon"

1 Ziua 634, 12:50 Publicat în USA USA

" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills,

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Yono officially confirmed as a candidate for congress in New hampshire.

0 Ziua 625, 17:38 Publicat în USA USA

today , well yesterday I was officially confirmed by the AAP as a candidate for congress. I look forward to serving the eAmerican people.

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the fall of canada.

0 Ziua 625, 14:25 Publicat în USA USA

The fall of canada is a Great and Terrible loss for the US now we are surrounded … citește în continuare »

Election day 09

3 Ziua 624, 13:24 Publicat în USA USA

Ladies and gentlemen.

this election will be a close one but let me tell you something. (Ajay Bruno will never win) he won`t,
Hoss (my endorsed candidate) is third President Richardson second and Emerick is first. but one thing is for certain.

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A message from portugal

13 Ziua 623, 17:22 Publicat în USA USA

a Portuguese said this

"You're going to loose mate.
Canada will fall in two days only, and the US will not last for more two weaks.
Oh, BTW, the Portuguese flag looks marvelous in the Capitol Building.
Extremely marvelous."

I have a

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