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we took hawaii

2 Ziua 656, 12:37 Publicat în USA USA

In a stunning show of the eUS`s power Hawaii was retaken. This means eIndonesia is out of North America!

America`s economy is also back on track and the DJIA ( Dow Jones Industrial Average) is showing green arrows.

eSpain also had a victory

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my home is back

2 Ziua 655, 12:33 Publicat în USA USA

Im glad to say that my home state of california is back in the US

NOW, Lets take back Hawaii!

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save the union!!!!!!!

2 Ziua 654, 20:25 Publicat în USA USA

Fight for california as weve fought for you. Kick, bite, pull hair, just fight!!!!!!!
use those automatic rifles and machine gun`s.

Death to Indo`s!!!!!!!!

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1 Ziua 642, 12:04 Publicat în USA USA

fellow members of the AAP this is goodbye (atleast for now) ill run in maine under a different party.

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What I can do in Congress

4 Ziua 641, 09:58 Publicat în USA USA

If elected to represent you maine, I will work with the President and my fellow congressmembers, with patriots like Drumming Danny and sterlin abraham,I will help bring back all 51 US states (we may even make it 52), I will work to make sure that

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