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ITS Time to Prepare for the future (Again)

5 Ziua 639, 18:16 Publicat în USA USA

I am now anouncing that if i can get the gold (please donate) i will be starting the ECEP
Emergency Country Evacuation Program this is different than what flying unicorn does
they get you into the country, I get you out.

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ITS Time to Prepare for the future

1 Ziua 639, 17:48 Publicat în USA USA

My fellow eAmericans we are a strong nation and we believe inour principles
of, Life,Liberty and the Persuit of happiness, our beliefs and ideals shall never die, yet with only 2 states left we are close to defeat that is why i encourage you to

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Yono offfically confirmed as a candidate for Maine

0 Ziua 636, 20:52 Publicat în USA USA

Earlier this week I was officially confirmed by the AAP as a candidate for congress. I look forward to serving the eAmerican people

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My platform

1 Ziua 636, 20:50 Publicat în USA USA

Maine the state of AWSOME

Why am I running in Maine. Becuase I believe we can do better than weve done in the past. You KNOW we can do better! Together we will make Maine the envy of the world. fathers will whisper in their child`s ears of Maine.

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The CvP flees

4 Ziua 636, 17:45 Publicat în USA USA

WHY are the CvP moving to south america, Ajay bruno is moving his party to south America I say let them go.
we must fight and win

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