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The Presidents resignation

1 Ziua 661, 19:29 Publicat în USA USA

Today, President Emerick resigned and pack things up at the eWhite House, reporters saw him and the eFirst Family boarding a helicopter, leaving the house he reveloutionized. Mean while the new eFirst Family moved in and President Gauis new

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Today in Our war with Russia

3 Ziua 660, 18:51 Publicat în USA USA

Ok heres what happened Connecticut was secured by Russia, Illinois was secured by Russia and Massachusetts was conquered by USA .

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Allied expanse

2 Ziua 658, 16:22 Publicat în USA USA

Today the eUS Army &allied powers are marching into states like Iowa,Missouri,and Colorado.

The Dow is showing green arrows and the NASDAQ is at the same rate.

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Next congressional elections

2 Ziua 657, 14:48 Publicat în USA USA

Next congressional elections will be very important, It in many ways will decide the future of our nation.

come next elections im running for congress but i ask you to not just vote for me but for the person
YOU think is best. A person who will

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US&Allied victory over the Axis powers

2 Ziua 657, 12:43 Publicat în USA USA

Today the US and her allies experienced huge victory`s in Oaklahoma,Idaho and Nebraska,
Following yesterdays victory in Hawaii this has set the Axis powers(PEACE) back a long way.

In other news Spain has also had a victory today for they have

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