Re-Running by Popular demand.

Day 608, 04:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Who am I?

First I would like to thank the people who voted for me last term, it's thanks to your support that I got in, you made a great decision, and I'm hoping you make another great decision, on the 25th by re-electing Mr Woldy.

TUP's Monthly Congress Manifesto

I've been on e-republik for around 6 months now, and I've spent my time writing articles on what had happened between e-Germany and e-Austria, e-Sweden, the USA and UK, The Presidential elections and other current events, such as our joining of PEACE. I have also published many guides for new players, which you may have seen;
People’s Gazette New player’s Guide
A Beginner’s guide to Congress
A Guide to the Presidential Elections
Beginner’s guide to Fighting and Maintaining Wellness

(To date my newspaper is my crowning glory, ranked within the top 10 British newspapers, and with many highly voted articles)

Whilst doing this I made some pretty good connections with people in politics. I have joined the Royal Guards and became Captain of Alpha Company. Prior to this, I have fought in many battles, and occasionally supply people weapons for citizens on request. (I have been running 6 successful businesses 😃). This has helped me acquire a greater knowledge of the in-game mechanics of war, and made me very familiar with the UK’s military, whilst our military is in a state of expansion and being deployed, I feel this is an important attribute to have.

Following the Election of Hassan Peseran, I was appointed the UK’s Minister of Home Affairs. The work being done by the Ministry involves keeping the Wiki updated, and keeping Citizens informed. This has been done by using articles, but we also like to PM people. I work with a dedicated team who are more then willing to help distribute wellness guides and information to citizens, something which I am no able to do on a national level. We have also began running and advertising entertainment schemes which you can get involved in on the forums.

I have also been working the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as an Ambassador to the Philippines, although a growing country, it is by no means insignificant, quite like us it also declared a liking for PEACE. I was also involved in negotiations with the USA when the Fortis discussions where taking place. Foreign Affairs can seem complicated and confusing, my experience in this area, general knowledge and respect for people’s opinions and views has given me necessary skills to think over decisions to do with the military and alliances/wars that Congressmen are expected to vote on. My views and perspectives that I can present to fellow Congressmen would benefit us all.

On the 15th, the great members of the Unity Party elected me as their Party President. My leadership skills, and more notably my organisational skills made this role appropriate for me.

East Midlands

If voted into congress, I will continue fighting inactivity, not only in the EM but the whole of the UK. I have already been doing this for quite a while, and as the East Midlands councillor for Media I have written a number of articles about joining the military, and joining the forums. Both important things for aspiring new citizens.

Importantly, I will listen to the people, when I first started the game I felt somewhat in the blue, anyone can message me with any queries or problem, I will be open to hear your opinions and will continue to use articles to help new players through the game. I have been trying to contact anyone who needs help, and also through the media expressing the importance of using the forums. I am a firm believer that PM’s are the most effective tool, and try to PM as many citizens as possible offering advice or information on the eWorld. I care a lot about the East Midlands and its citizens, my dedication to you and the UK means a vote spent on me, is a vote very well spent.

Some people are calling for a defence system in the East midlands. This isn’t necessary, only when we have built up the D.S on the regions which border other Countries should we begin thinking about protecting our central regions (although congress don't decide the position of any DS). We at the East Midlands have a Q5 Hospital, so we are pretty much sorted. The EM is a tool to gaining high wellness, and I have tried to put that message across to the whole of the nation, ensuring people know how to “fight smart” and make the best use of the East Midland’s Q5 Hospital.

International Policy

The UK has recently become a member of PEACE. I welcome this move, as our options were becoming increasingly limited, and as outlines in my previous article, PEACE are becoming more hospitable day by day, and from across the pond called the Atlantic, we seem to be getting the cold shoulder.

However, although we have pretty good relations with PEACE countries (which can only improve) I also believe we should reach out to neutral countries, try to get them involved with training wars, and increase relationships with them. This is mainly to increase the UK’s popularity, by my thinking neutral countries are just as good as anyone else – remember, we were neutral until recently.

On the other hand, we should try to at least improve relations with the USA and Canada, I’m not sure how willing they would be to do this, but I would at least like to see us draw the line and call it equal, rather than letting things get worse. Ireland are, and shall always remain some of Britain’s best allies.

Why vote me

I am a very active user, I log on frequently during the day, both in game and in forum (the latter of which is Vital). I also grapple with any task I have, I will continue working with full dedication and lots of passion to continue fulfilling my duties and expectations as a congressman.

My time in Congress, forum activity, and research for my newspaper has given me great experience. Using my paper I can carry on getting information to people in the East Midlands and the rest of the e-UK regarding decisions being made that effect them, I found earlier in my e-Republik life I had no idea what sort of thing congressmen where doing, I hope to use my paper in order to inform as many people as possible what has been going on in the world.

As well as that, I am a pretty well informed and inquisitive individual, I won't make any decisions without finding out the facts and effects my decisions could make, approaching any issue pragmatically. You have probably seen me knee deep in debate on the forums, I like to put forward my opinions, and help people with reforming bills, and help new people with understanding the game.

Thanks for reading, this is pretty long.

Vote Mr Woldy as Your congressman for the East Midlands.
The Guide to Congress: Beginner’s Guide to Congress

Remember to get your subscription to the government newspapers.
You can find them here:

Ministry of Defence

eUK Home Office

National Newspaper Association