Φόντο ενεργοποιημένο/απενεργοποιημένο

Bellum omnium contra omnes

72 Ημέρες 2,018, 13:51 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania Ανάλυση μαχών Ανάλυση μαχών

We used to talk a while back in this newspaper about the condition of eromanian society and i proposed then the borrowed (from real life) concept of social entropy to describe it. A world war has just started and the fundamental rift in our society

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The unreasonable - my pledge of loyalty

56 Ημέρες 1,991, 03:36 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania Ανάλυση μαχών Ανάλυση μαχών

I have nothing but respect for Poland and polish citizens in real life, as i have for any man or woman in this world, without discrimination on basis of nationality, ethnicity or race. I feel a deep connection to anyone who upholds values that bind

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Despre reputaţie şi interesul naţional

46 Ημέρες 1,979, 03:05 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση

N-am devenit grafoman, în ciuda faptului că este al doilea articol în decursul a două zile. Dacă în articolul anterior vorbeam despre cauzele lipsei de armonie din interiorul comunităţii, astăzi continuăm discuţia cu felul în care România îşi

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Starea comunităţii româneşti. Cauze şi soluţie.

29 Ημέρες 1,977, 10:02 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση

Motto: “Entropia socială este o teorie care susţine că reţelele sociale şi societatea în general au tendinţa naturală de a colapsa, trecând de la cooperare şi evoluţie, la conflict şi haos”.

Nu de sisteme macrosociologice ne arde nouă când … διάβασε περισσότερα »

[MM Campaign] A Romanian soldier asks for your help!

42 Ημέρες 1,247, 02:05 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Croatia Croatia Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση

Hello people of Croatia. You probably don’t know me, I’m an average Romanian soldier, currently garrisoned in Central Croatia due to the lack of native country. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude towards you and your great country.διάβασε περισσότερα »