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The Brief History of a War

10 1,351 jour, 03:16 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

How got this started? More than a week ago Croatia initiated a successful resistance war in Burgenland which they were previously attempting for months. The Hungarian bridge was destroyed, the breach into central Europe finally open. Now there was

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Let’s Play Football!

21 1,348 jour, 08:19 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


You are a football player. A part of a team. You enjoy playing this game because football is an awesome social game with lots of players, teams, environments. But … en savoir plus »

Good Times, Bad Times

45 1,348 jour, 03:24 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Milí občania,

moje predstavy pri nástupe do vlády boli úplne iné ako sa napokon vyvinula realita. Predpokladám, že vo Vašom prípade je tomu rovnako. Vzal som si za cieľ znovuzískať nemecké regióny a momentálne čelíme bezprostrednej chorvátskej

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RW in Burgenland - a simple mathematic

14 1,341 jour, 18:23 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Dear citizens, friends and allies,

exactly at this moment Czechoslovakia is facing one its crucial battles. The resistance war in Burgenlan😛
It is absolutely necessary for everyone allied

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Insider z rýchliku

24 1,339 jour, 05:38 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Milí občania,

konečne je to tu, konečne som sa opäť dostal k písaniu. V poslednej dobe kvôli nárastu povinností v RL sotva stíham vlastný tieň, nechcem ale zanedbávať ČSFR. Posnažím sa byť čo najstručnejší a čo najpriamejší.

Ako ste si počas

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