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You've been Escherized! An interview with Kaiser Alex

3 Day 662, 14:23 Published in South Africa South Africa

Compiled and edited from PMs with Kaiser Alex (KA) and various comments he has left, with his permission. (Sorry I can't figure out how to do bold).

NDV: Dear Kaiser Alex, I think you are an interesting fellow and I would like to write an

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Operation Cocalolz: Ajay for President of Colombia

5 Day 661, 17:10 Published in South Africa South Africa

Breaking news: a narco-terrorist group, known appropriately as "Terrorists", has launched an audacious new plan known as "Operation Cocalolz". The plan involves liberating the coca fields of Colombia, taking over the government and installing Ajay

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The irony of it all

5 Day 660, 22:57 Published in South Africa South Africa

Greetings, my fellow eSouthAfricans, this is Derek Van Groovin, your favorite troll, and I have absolutely nothing to say, but I feel like posting something anyways. I am inspired by the genius of Travis Granger and I hope to emulate a scintilla of

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