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Empire in the name of anti-PTO

4 Day 734, 22:20 Published in USA USA

We are entering a post-Cold War era, in which the former bilateral global power struggle has ended to be replaced by regional power blocs. However, the enemy formerly known as PEACE still exists and they are more dangerous than ever. Because they

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Report on the Russian Army

6 Day 700, 23:08 Published in South Africa South Africa

I am writing the following because I find it interesting, and someone else might as well. I am playing at being an amateur intelligence analyst. If I get 3 votes I will be happy 😉 (I don't like embedding links because I have had problems in the

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Lulz in Lithuania

5 Day 683, 22:06 Published in South Africa South Africa

I apologize in advance for what will probably be a very boring article, but sometimes you have to create your own fun, and the Ajay and Exilious puppet show just isn't doing it for me. Yea, the presidential elections are coming up, but we already

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Colombia Fail: President Zigman accidently declares war on Peru

4 Day 682, 17:49 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hahaha. The Presidente of Colombia, who I will call Ziggy, stayed up too late and pressed the wrong button and accidentally declared war on Peru. Now he is urging the Colombian congressmen to vote no on the declaration.

See: http://www.

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Fight red in North West Province!

10 Day 681, 16:51 Published in South Africa South Africa

It's only a plane fight away to Gauteng, which has a Q5 hospital. Yea it's a long shot, but if more people fought in these resistance wars in Western Australia, Northern Cape, or North West Province we would win one of these wars. Also there is a

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