You've been Escherized! An interview with Kaiser Alex

Day 662, 14:23 Published in South Africa Australia by ndvanderhoofven

Compiled and edited from PMs with Kaiser Alex (KA) and various comments he has left, with his permission. (Sorry I can't figure out how to do bold).

NDV: Dear Kaiser Alex, I think you are an interesting fellow and I would like to write an article about you if you don't mind.
KA: Well, of course you can publish an article about me, these questions seem to cast a very dim light on my views but I shall answer them all the same.

NDV: First of all, why the name "Kaiser Alex"? Kaiser is the German word for Caesar or Tsar, right? Do you dream of ruling the New World with an iron fist? Are you German in real life? Do you speak German? Obviously you have a strong interest in pre-WW1 Germany, what lead to this interest?
KA: I chose the name Kaiser Alex as obviously my real life name is Alex, and secondly because I do indeed have an interest in Pre WW1 Germany, really pre WW1 history in general. The word Kaiser is actually Emperor in German, with Caesar and Tsar meaning the same thing. In real life I am not german no, I am British, also I do not believe in ruling the world with an Iron fist, as I do not believe in repression and neither did the Kaiser. What lead me to my interest in WW1 history? Well, I think that it was really just my interest in British history that lead me to the subject of world war one, on which I did some research and that lead me to the Kaiser and Imperial Germany.

NDV: What do you think about German Emperor Wilhelm II? Didn't he indirectly cause WWI to happen because of his support for Austria's ultimatum to Serbia? Didn't he also support Lenin, who executed the Russian Tsar Nicholas and his family?
KA: Now, the matter of what do I think of the Kaiser is a very difficult one, I myself think that he was a good man, who was a victim of circumstance. WW1 he did indeed have a very large part in, but he did not expect at all what would happen, neither did anyone. The invasion of Serbia I think was a rightful cause, as Gavrillo Princip the man who killed the Archduke, was supported by the Serbian government. The fact that it just all went from bad to worse from there I don't think was anyone's fault, apart from maybe Serbia. Did the Kaiser support Lenin in his vile killing of the Tsar? Yes, he did, but you must think of the terrible goings on that all of the European monarchs and government would of seen by then, the decision I think was still a wrong one, and it should be remembered as one of the Kaisers "Great Mistakes".

NDV: You were living in the eUK before, right? Why did you decide to live there? Why did you decide to leave? Are you a fan of the British Monarchy?
KA: I was indeed living in the eUK prior to moving here I decided to live there as it was my home region, and at the start of the game I was not totally aware the mechanics, so it seemed the most viable option at the time. I am most definitely a fan of the British monarchy yes, I would go to far as saying I am a Royalist for the Monarchy.

NDV: Why did you decide to move to eSouth Africa instead of say, eGermany? Do you expect other fans of Kaiserliche Germany to follow you?
KA: I moved to eSouth Africa above eGermany and indeed all other places in the eWorld as firstly I have visited there in real life and enjoyed it thoroughly, and secondly it seemed the place with the most vibrant political scene, and sadly one of the most divided people, which is what I aim to change. Do I expect other fans of Kaiserlich Germany to follow me? Well, yes I probably do, but thats not my main concern, as that would be a borderline PTO, and I am totally against any form of that whatsoever.

NDV: Are you trying to create in eSouth Africa a version of the German Second Reich?
KA: Am I trying to make a second reich in Germany? Well, firstly that would probably be a Fourth Reich, but I understand you. Since the word Reich only means realm, I suppose I do, but I do not attempt to make a warmongering South Africa that only lusts for power.

NDV: Are you friends with Exilious?
KA: I am most probably not friends with Exillious, as he has insulted me twice in comments and then in an article he wrote, although the latter may not have been an intended insult. I have only heard of him through reading the newspapers South Africa has to offer, and saw him arguing with the infamous Ajay Bruno where he mentioned something about the Kaiser.

NDV: What distinguishes Kaiserlich South Africa from the African National Alliance, as both are right-wing authoritarian parties? I see that you were admitted to eSA by our dear friend Dr. Ajay Bruno. Why did you not join his party? Is not your party in effect a split-off from his party as you will be seeking to take members from them? Or is your party a "backup party" to provide a home to Dr. Bruno in case his party is taken over by liberals?
KA: Can I just say I am not Ajays "backup". Me and my party have nothing to do with Ajay Bruno, we never have and never will. My party is centre right authoritarian, not far right totalitarian. What I interpret this as is a party with centre right economic ideals but with a bigger emphasis on leadership, therefore the term "Authoritarian" as there are no better areas to find. Why was I accepted into eSouth Africa by Ajay Bruno? Well, I sent him a message about letting me in and I suppose he must of simply let me in because of it. It was along the lines of if let in to South Africa I could consider all the parties and make my choice who to vote for or I could create my own. I can assure you there are no links from my party to his however.

NDV: What is your foreign policy? Do you want to create an empire and have colonies, or would you be satisfied with just regaining our regions that are occupied? If eNamibia were added, would you support eSouth Africa ruling it as a colony?
KA: I believe that we must at first regain our original regions, then possibly move on to conquer others if a wide range of factors are at the best possible point. If eNambia was added would I support the invasion and subsequent conquering of it? I would like to think that the circumstances surrounding it at the time would determine my answer, but say if we had our original regions back, and we had a very good economy, I would consider promoting the Idea of invading it, both for its land and positive effects on our Nation as a whole.

NDV: What made you decide to run for president? How are you different from the other candidates? If you became President of eSouthAfrica, what changes would you make?
KA: What made me decide to run for president? Well, I know that this time it is most likely I shall not win, so my main aim is just to see the level of support I can garner and how well advertising etc. go. Obviously I would be delighted if I did indeed win, and eSouth Africa would not regret it. If elected what changes would I make? Firstly I would implement my state business proposal, where a good few more State controlled companies were set up, which would both improve our citizens welfare and improve our economy. Another decision I would make would be the alliance making of a few countries who are Neutral on the world stage, to host war games, this would be a very high priority and I would assure the people that I could achieve this.

NDV: Will your party vigorously defend its principles even if it means standing alone, or will you join in with a coalition of other parties for the sake of unity?
KA: If our principles are at risk of being marred out by other parties then a coalition would never be joined. If our independence was not at question, then for the sake of unity a coalition may be formed for the nation, but it would have to be a very last resort as we believe we must keep our independence in all forms for as long as we can.

NDV: Any thing else you would like to add?
KA: Finally I would just like to thank you for making this article and everyone else for reading it 🙂.