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America Survived

1 Day 588, 18:34 Published in USA USA

Yes a couple of days ago now it came out that there was Fraud in the Cvp primary elections that declared Ajay Bruno winner. While Ajay steadily denies this, the USA can breathe again, because now there is not even the 1/10 chance he had to win. We

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State of Argentina

5 Day 580, 17:38 Published in USA USA

Currently there is a bill asking for the impeachment of the Argentinian President going through their congress. Luckily for the populace it seems that it will fail. The user who proposed this

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Hungary, a Look

6 Day 579, 18:10 Published in USA USA

The enemies we claim to be "heathens" in eRepublik, perpertrateurs from PEACE, the bringers of doom. We say that PTO's and Hungary go hand in hand. But they are still eCitizens, we are eCitizens, they have beliefs, we have beliefs, their citizens

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Paying a price, almost.

5 Day 577, 16:36 Published in USA USA

Clearly the citizens of eIreland and the eWorld were irate over this so called "test" of military capabilities between the UK and Ireland. Three days past now the UK decided to "attack" Ireland, fighting over The Shannon. Quickly threads popped up

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A Smilie Not for the Faint Hearted

0 Day 576, 19:36 Published in USA USA

In the RL, things are a lot like UNO. Those familiar with the game would be aware that it bases a large deal on luck and what you do with what comes your way. Mistakes are costly but can be fixed, everything depends on what the people around you are

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