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Irish Election Trouble!

0 Day 625, 18:51 Published in USA USA

One of the two major candidates in the Irish Election was hacked and thus could not vote. While nobody is blaming the winning party(at least with words), there is only one fair way to settle this, a second vote, as the unlucky patton who had some

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Our Lovely eRep Multi-Party System

6 Day 624, 18:08 Published in USA USA

In America, we have two major parties(and the rest stand no chance), the Democrats and the Republicans. While I would line myself up with the Democrats, eRepublik's mass of many parties allows one not to have to chose between sugar or salt, but

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Peru is fine. Better than ever actually.

1 Day 620, 10:31 Published in USA USA

Peru impeached their President yesterday, and for the first time this month they will be able to have a cooperative President. This past 26 or so days their President Maskus, had voted on only two things, some possible donations and a new hospital

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PEACE, a Picture

6 Day 618, 19:00 Published in USA USA

When it runs out of money so now it'll use anything it can! Haha ah....pathetic PEACE.

Fun picture I found online 😉

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Regions We Have Lost

2 Day 616, 09:53 Published in USA USA

A depressing list, but at least one can find it in one spot now.

Lost to Portugal

Lost to Russia
South Dakota

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