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Public Report

3 Day 635, 16:47 Published in Sweden Sweden

Well, hello citizens of Sweden. I'm here to write about what is going on in the eUSA right now.
Obviously the biggest thing is our signing of a PEACE treaty. I am just going to go out and say this, "Don't shoot the messenger". I am merely a

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Hej Sverige!

8 Day 634, 08:39 Published in Sweden Sweden

Hello Sweden!

I am the new American Ambassador to your lovely country of Sweden, and since hopefully you will be seeing me around; in your Forums (English part), in your IRC, and in your media, I thought I would introduce myself and my job here,

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Big Journey, Small Steps(So far)

3 Day 632, 19:12 Published in USA USA

To understand you would have to have read my past article, but I am not a very wealthy person in this game, and currently can probably help 12 or so more citizens. If you wish to donate Moving Tickets it can be done straight to my account and will

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We Have A Problem!

1 Day 630, 15:47 Published in USA USA

I was just casually taking a look at the French citizenship requests and realized that the majority of pending requests are Canadians confused about what they should be doing. As soon as I realized this I mass-mailed a large amount of them telling

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Follow me to Spain!

10 Day 629, 17:59 Published in USA USA

I'm not going to make a fool's attempt at Spanish, I don't want to insult its lovely culture by even trying.

This is an article from an American citizen that is only grateful that we have such a great ally as we do in Spain. They have on more

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