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[POEM]Time of War

3 Day 607, 14:53 Published in USA USA

It cripples both nations
It shows it's ugly head too often
Nobody dies, many gain
Here in our game
Yet people scream
Left and right
Save us, the world will end
Loss and Victory
Makes War

We can never always win
That's the stuff of

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Worrying Sign?

7 Day 601, 18:25 Published in USA USA

PEACE has attacked Canada, forget UK. France is loaded with MPP's but so is Canada in what was a war started long ago that almost remained forgotten in the eyes of Civilians. But this is not a worrying fact, Canada will probably remain strong, what

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Kennedy, Brophy, Did They Affect The Election?

3 Day 593, 19:33 Published in USA USA

Emerick is mostly likely going to emerge in second place it seems, with Harrison Richardson taking the spoils, and the question will linger did the third-party candidates effect the election sufficiently?

Probably not, probably not at all. Why

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The Current Results

2 Day 593, 07:28 Published in USA USA

It's early morning, and the majority of the nation is not for Harrison Richardson. Sadly, he has the most votes, without having half the country's vote. He is currently at 46.80%, with Emerick some 80 votes behind with 40.7% of the vote.


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One Day Before

1 Day 592, 18:43 Published in USA USA

The pre-day examinations. Before elections, you always see it, those snotty old people who believe they are so wise because they are on a news telecast. While truly the best stuff is found on neutral blogs, because these people have minds not their

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