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Announcement of Candidacy for Congress from Delaware

3 Day 429, 06:07 Published in USA USA

After Last months let disappointment, I've decided to run for the congressional seat of our fair state. I would like to thank Ian John Locke IV for allowing me to run on the AAP ticket. Even though I will be on the AAP ticket, I am still a

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Counteracting the Indonesian War Machine

35 Day 408, 21:08 Published in USA USA

It's no secret that the Indonesians have probably the most organized and effective tank system in eRep. They're well funded, and equipped and when on all out assault, there is not much that can stop them. That is why we need to do as much as

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Sincerest Apologies Delaware.

7 Day 401, 21:26 Published in USA USA

As most of you know by now, the Nationalist party, as well as the other smaller parties, are not on the ballot. The top 5 party rule caught some of us unaware. I intended to log on today, after this glorious Christmas, and simply vote and see what

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Attention Delaware

6 Day 400, 10:37 Published in USA USA

The eve of the election is upon us, and I'm anxious to see the outcome. Unfortunately during my campaigning I feel as if I already know the outcome. The Anarchists have a candidate in Delaware named Septurion. Ordinarily a party of about 10 active

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My Candidacy for the State of Delaware.

4 Day 395, 17:34 Published in USA USA

Hello everyone,

I'd like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for congressman from the great state of Delaware, running on the USNP ticket. I'm extremely active in the game, and have already held a number of important positions.

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